Max Rheiner, max.rheiner@zhdk.ch, Head of the MA Programme, Lecturer 2.E20
Jürgen SpäthVerena Ziegler, juergenverena.spaeth@zhdkziegler@zhdk.ch, Lecturer 4.C01
Björn Franke, bjorn.franke@zhdk.ch, Lecturer 4.C01
Stefano Vannotti, stefano.vannotti@zhdk.ch, LecturerResearch Associate 4.C01, BA coordination
Alexandra Landolt, info.iad@zhdk.ch, Administration
Mirjam Steiner, mirjam.steiner@zhdk.ch, Research Associate 4C.01, Events and Communication
Clemens Winkler, clemens.winkler@zhdk.ch, Research Associate 2.E20
Physical Lab:
Luke Franzke, luke.franzke@zhdk.ch, Research Associate 2.E20
Joël Gähwiler, joel.gaehwiler@zhdk.ch, Teaching Assistant 2.E20
Nicole Foelsterl, nicole.foelsterl@zhdk.ch, Lecturer 4.C01 Daniel Hug
Björn Franke, danielbjorn.hug@zhdkfranke@zhdk.ch, Lecturer 4.C01C01
Moritz Kemper, moritz.kemper@zhdk.ch, Lecturer/Research Associate 2.E20
Roman Kirschner, roman.kirschner@zhdk.ch, Lecturer
Verena ZieglerDaniel Hug, verenadaniel.ziegler@zhdkhug@zhdk.ch, Research Associate Lecturer 4.C01 Clemens Winkler,
clemens.winkler@zhdkJürgen Späth, juergen.spaeth@zhdk.ch, Research Associate 2.E20
Mirjam Steiner, mirjam.steiner@zhdk.ch, Research Associate 4C.01
Luke Franzke, luke.franzke@zhdk.ch, Research Associate 2.E20
Joël Gähwiler, joel.gaehwiler@zhdk.ch, Teaching Assistant 2.E20
Lecturer 4.C01
Stefano Vannotti, stefano.vannotti@zhdk.ch, Lecturer
Administration Office
Opening Hours: (Monday – Thursday) 13.30 - 16.30, 4.C01
Student Support
Administrative matters can be discussed with Alexandra Landolt (info.iad@zhdk.ch).
Two student representatives are elected for each class. Representatives are responsible for representing student interests toward the programme. The department’s student association elects its delegates to various university bodies and is responsible for other organisational matters. ZHdK Student Council (“sturZ”) is responsible for representing student interests, including self-management, towards the university. For details, see http://sturz.zhdk.ch.
Student Advice
ZHdK’s Student Advice Centre offers useful assistance with a wide range of issues, including funding, accommodation, employment, living in Zurich, etc. For details, see www.zhdk.ch/studierendenberatung.