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Luke Franzke,, Research Associate 2.E20
Joël Gähwiler,, Teaching Assistant 2.E20



Administration Office

Opening Hours: (Monday – Thursday) 13.30 - 16.30, 4.C01

Alexandra LandolfLandolt, e-mail:

BA Leitung Office Hours

Students are welcome to discuss matters and concerns to the BA leitung whether in relation to studies or other.
Office hours are set for that on Thursdays, 12.30 - 14.00 by slots of 15 minutes (appointment to be made with Alexandra Landolt,

Student Representatives

Two student representatives are elected for each class. Representatives are responsible for representing student interests toward the programme. The department’s student association elects its delegates to various university bodies and is responsible for other organisational matters. ZHdK Student Council (“sturZ”) is responsible for representing student interests, including self-management, towards the university. For details, see
