Week 1 - Wednesday, 20.09.17 - Aesthetics
Lecture: Historical overview I - Screens 1994-2007
Discussion around words: phenomenology, ontology, epistemology, gestalt, aesthetics, hermeneutics, experience,
Hartmann, Klemmer, Takayama. 2006. How Bodies Matter: Five Themes for Interaction Design. In DIS 2006.
Week 3 - Wednesday, 04.10.17 - InstabilitySpace
Week 4 - Wednesday, 18.10.17 - Instability II
Week 5 - Wednesday, 25.10.17 - Systems
Week 6 - Wednesday, 1.11.17 - Matrix
Lecture: Historical overview II - Modern Times
Lindtner, Silvia, Bardzell, S. & Bardzel, J. 2016. “Reconstituting the Utopian Vision of Making: HCI After Technosolutionism”. In CHI ‘16.
Foucault, Michel, Martin, L. H., Gutman, H., & Hutton, P. H. 1988. Technologies of the self. A seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
Week 7 - Wednesday, 22.11.17 - Materiality
Lecture: Historical overview III - Fabrication 2010 - 2016
Susanne Kuchler. "Technological Materiality Beyond the Dualist Paradigm"