Office hours: Thursdays 12.30 - 14.00 (by appointment)
Each class session runs from 9.30-12.30. Starting in week 2 and continuing for the rest of the semester, two teams of three students will give a presentation in each session: one based on readings and the other one based on art and design projects. Each presentation is followed by a discussion and/or an in-class assignment.
This seminar proposes to investigate the aesthetics of interaction design and the mediation of technologies in human perceptions of the world. With notions of cultural contexts, historical overviews, and case studies, we’ll discuss the key humanities concepts of representation, action and phenomenology. The students will gain a critical perspective on the tools they use to ensure a stronger appreciation of responsibility and awareness.
Dourish P. 2001. "Being-in-the-World: Embodied lnteraction". In Where the Action is, The Foundations of Embodied lnteraction. MIT Press. 127-144.
Kirsh, Maglio, "On Distinguishing Epistemic from Pragmatic Action" (lntroduction and "Epistemic uses of rotation")
by Aurelian Ammon & Carlo Natter
- Public Space
- Performance Performance
by Manuel Leuthold & Ju Young Yi
Week 3 - Wednesday, 04.10.17 - Space
Böhme, Gernot. 2000. "Leibliche Anwesenheit im Raum". In Ästhetik und Kommunikation 108. 67-76.
by Ismael Möri & Jérôme Krusi
- Notions of Space, Atmosphere
- Bodily Presence
by Alessa Gassman & Michael Schönenberger
Week 4 - Wednesday, 18.10.17 - Instability
Latour, Bruno. 2000. "Sharing responsibility: Farewell to the sublime". In Reset Modernity! MIT Press. 167-171.
Pickering, Andrew. 2013. "Being in an environment: a performative perspective". Natures Sciences Sociétés 21. 77-83.
by Tobias Dupuch, Shaën Reinhart & Daniel Holler
- Anthropocene
- Agency
by Katharina Durrer & Carlo Natter
Week 5 - Wednesday, 25.10.17 - Systems
Ackermann, Edith K. “Programming for the Natives: What is it? What’s In It for the Kids?”. In Child Research Net, Japan. September 28, 2012.
by Adrienn Bodor & Ju Young Yi
- Net Art, Software Art
- Blockchain
by Daniel Holler & Vinzenz Leutenegger
Week 6 - Wednesday, 1.11.17 - Matrix
Lindtner, Silvia, Bardzell, S. & Bardzel, J. 2016. “Reconstituting the Utopian Vision of Making: HCI After Technosolutionism”. In CHI ‘16.
Foucault, Michel, Martin, L. H., Gutman, H., & Hutton, P. H. 1988. Technologies of the self. A seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
by Manuel Leuthold & Michael Schönenberger
- Game & Realities
- Artificial Intelligence
by Tobias Dupuch, Shaën Reinhart & Dyon Ruiter
Week 7 - Wednesday, 22.11.17 - Materiality
Hui, Yuk. 2014. “Form and Relation. Materialism on an Uncanny Stage”. In Intellectica. 1:61. 105-121.
by Katharina Durrer & Alessa Gassman
- Wearables
- Smart City
by Adrienn Bodor & Ismael Möri
Essay Proposal Deadline:
You'll present in class your essay proposal (3mn) which should include: the topic area with reference to literature, an abstract of approx. 8-10 sentences, and your rough structure / structure of the essay in key points.
Bettelheim, Bruno. 1959. “Joey: A ‘Mechanical Boy,’” in Scientific American, March 1959, 116–127.
Feynman, Richard F. 1960. “There’s plenty of room at the bottom”. In Engineering and Science Magazine. 23. February 1960. 22–36.
by Vinzenz Leutenegger & Dyon Ruiter
- Bio Hacking
- Disobedience
by Aurelian Ammon & Jérôme Krusi
Essay Deadline: 8 December 2017 (sent by an email)