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Bits & Atoms II introduces Web technologies in a semester-long seminar.


The final grades will be based on the individual exercises. Missing more than two lectures will result in a failing grade (80% attendance).


  1. Article Layout 
    Every student lays out an "online magazine article" using HTML and CSS.
    Delivery on the filer per 23.4.18.
  2. Todo List App
    Every students develops his personal Todo List App using HTML, CSS and JS.
    Delivery on the filer per 11.6.18.

Todo List Features

  • Nice UI
  • Remove All Button
  • Categories / Filter
  • Edit Item
  • Persistent Items (localStorage)
  • Custom Checkbox



The lectures are on Monday morning from 10.30 to 12.30.

Week 1 (19.2, 4.K14)
Week 1 (26.2, 4.K14)The Web
Week 2HTML & CSSWeek 3Box Model & FontsWeek 4Advanced LayoutWeek 5(Buffer)Week 6JavaScript BasicsWeek 7jQueryWeek 8SPAWeek 9(Buffer)Week 10UI ElementsWeek 11Adv. UI ElementsWeek 12(Buffer)
Week 3 (5.3, 4.K14)HTML Intro: Structure, TagsInterdisciplinary
Week 4 (12.3, 4.K14)CSS Intro: Fonts & ColorsInterdisciplinary
Week 5 (19.3, 4.K14)Box Model: Block & InlineInterdisciplinary
Week 6 (9.4, 4.K14)Advanced Layout: Float, FlexIAD Process
Week 7 (23.4, 4.K14)JavaScript BasicsReading Week
Week 8 (30.4, 4.K14)Self studyIAD Process
Week 9 (7.5, 4.K14)jQuery 1 (Todo List)Basic GUI
Week 10 (14.5, 4.K14)jQuery 2 (Todo List)Basic GUI
Week 11 (28.5, 4.E08)DeploymentBasic GUI
Week 12 (4.6, 4.E08)Varia / Finish ExerciseBasic GUI