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BA concept seminar structure:



BA concept seminar structure:


Dr. Joëlle Bitton
Prof. Jürgen Späth

 Mag. Dipl. Des. Nicole Foelsterl

Office hours by appointment


  • what is the context, topic, problem?
  • who are the audience / participants?
  • who will be impacted by your design (which people/animals/plants, which locations, which systems&infrastructures, which ecologies)?
  • what do you want to create and how it should work? 
  • what values and potential do you want to address / generate? 

The essay expands the thesis disposition with observations and conclusions drawn from the two weeks BA concept seminar. 
You may use a diversity of sources and bibliography (classified by genre: book, book chapter, journal article, conference article, academic thesis, newspaper article, web article, etc). 

Mockup to be presented on 1210.1. 
Choice of mentor teams to be sent to Johannes via email by Monday 1513.1.24, 17:00.
Storytelling to be presented on 1917.1.
Final Deliverables to be uploaded on the server by Monday 2220.1 at 9:00.


See description of exercises below


send choice of mentoring team by 17:

Mentoring on request (js)
Sign up by emails

Develop narrative
/Field Study

Mentoring on request (jb)
Sign up by emails

Develop narrative
/Field Study

Week 1Monday 6.1Tuesday 7.1Wednesday 8.1Thursday 9.1Friday 10.1 
9.00 - 12.0030
(unless otherwise noted)

9.00 Brief Introduction about the module and quick keywords round

9.45 Exercise 1: 20 ways of description
(jb, js)Exercise 3: Design Area
(jb, jsin 20 minutes

10.15 Start Exercise 2: Topic Mapping

11.00-12.30 Present Exercise 1+2: 

Quick Overview Observations

Exercise 4:
50 sketches of Design in 50 minutes

11.00-12.30 First round "design exploration area"

Quick Input digital research methods and management

Develop prototype
/Field Study

Put concepts, sketches, mock-ups on Miro board by 18.00

Mentoring (jsvz)
Sign up by emailsby email:

Exercise 45: Develop 2-3 "How might we" - Questions

Develop prototype
/Field Study

13.00 30 - 17.00

Exercise 2: Topic Area
(jb, js)13.00 Quick round design area
(js, jb)
3: field study/observations/interviews - put notes on Miro board by 18.00

Continue exercise 4

+ start developing prototype

- put notes on Miro board by 18.00

Develop prototype
/Field Study

Presentations 1:
Demo of Prototypes/Mock-ups 
(set up all demoes in the room in advance for a group tour)

(jb, jsvz)

Week 2Monday 13.1Tuesday 14.1Wednesday 15.1Thursday 16.1Friday 17.1
9.00 - 12.00

Input/workshop - - storytelling

send choice of mentoring team by 17:00

Develop narrative
/Field Study

Develop narrative
/Field Study

Mentoring on request (jb)
Sign up by emails

Develop narrative
/Field Study

Presentations 2:
Video storytelling
(jb, js, nf & other mentors)

13.00 - 17.00
Mentoring storytelling (on Zoom)
(jb, js, nf)

Mentoring on request (js)
Sign up by emails

Develop narrative
/Field Study

Develop narrative

/Field Study

Presentations 2:
Video storytelling
(jb, js, nf & other mentors)

13.00 - 17.00

Work on final assignments


Exercise 1: 20 ways of description

Write down and/or sketch out twenty ways to define your thesis project on post its and later sort them into categories. Define two or three most important statements.

Exercise 2: 

Define the all the qualities, parameters and values that are important for the thesis and your ambition as a designer. Find the most relevant existing projects that match your criteria (it could be a particular aspect of a project). Use sketches, photos or collages to present projects on your wall. 

Exercise 3: 50 Sketches of design


/Field Study

Work on final assignments


Exercise 1: 20 ways of description

Write down and/or sketch out twenty ways to define your thesis project on post its and later sort them into categories. Define two or three most important statements.

Exercise 2: Topic mapping

Define the all the qualities, parameters and values that are important for your thesis and your ambition as a designer. Find the most relevant existing projects that match your criteria (it could be a particular aspect of a project). Use sketches, photos or collages to present projects on your wall. This mapping will continue & evolve throughout the seminar.

Exercise 3: Observation / Field inquiry

Find out through a quick observation and field inquiry some elements that could inspire the directions you take. *It could also be in the form of bodystorming, auto-ethnography, role playing... Post photos & findings on Miro Board.

Exercise 4: Design Exploration Area (50 Sketches of design)

Identify the two or three most important dimensions of your topic mapping. This will be your "design exploration area": showcase what aspects you consider relevant to explore further and how you consider applying your criteria to your design process & outcome. How do you envisage to go from abstract ideas/wishes to actual outcomes: in terms of opportunities, executing concepts, exhibition, findings....? Sketch quickly 50 ideas to populate your design area. Place them on your design area in relation to criteria and parameters (sketches, photos or collages).Also think of how you want to execute your ideas and exhibit them.

Exercise 4Exercise 5: Develop 2-3 "How might we" - Questions
