BA concept seminar structure:
Dr. Joëlle Bitton
Prof. Jürgen Späth
Guest instructor:
Nicole Foelsterl
Office hours by appointment
Grades will be based on class participation, documentation (journal) and final work.
Contributing to constructive group feedback is an essential aspect of class participation.
Regular attendance is required. Two or more unexcused absences will affect the final grade. Arriving late on more than one occasion will also affect the grade.
Prototype 30%
Storytelling 20% Storytelling (video) 30%
Prototype 20%
Project Description 20%
Journal Documentation 20%
Any assignment that remains unfulfilled receives a failing grade.
(5) Deliverables
- Storytelling
The experience you want to create should be presented in a video format.
- Prototype/Mock-up
The prototype is the manifestation of your ideas into a service, a product, a method, a user's experience, etc.
- Storytelling
The experience you want to create should be presented in a video format.
- Project Description
This 3-page text should answer the following questions :
- what is the context, topic, problem?
- who is your audience / participants?
- who will be touched by your design (which people/animals/plants, which locations, which systems, which ecologies)?
- what do you want to create and how it should work?
- what values and potential do you want to address / generate?
The essay expands the thesis disposition with observations and conclusions drawn from the two weeks BA concept seminar.
You may use a diversity of sources and bibliography (classified by genre: book, book chapter, journal article, conference article, academic thesis, newspaper article, web article, etc).
- The journal should be structured in a generally comprehensible manner (in the first week the structure will be provided by the course through the exercises)
- The lecture notes, including annotations, are stored
- Notes, sketches for each lesson should be included as well.
Deliverables to be uploaded on the server by Monday 20.1 at 9.00.
Choice of mentor teams to be sent to Martin via email.
Week 1 | Monday 6.1 | Tuesday 7.1 | Wednesday 8.1 | Thursday 9.1 | Friday 10.1 | ||
Morning 9.30 - 12.00 (unless otherwise noted) | 10.00 Brief Introduction about the module and quick keywords round Exercise 1: 20 ways of description (jb, js) | Independent Study | Exercise 3: Design Space (jb, js) | Independent Study 10- 12 | Input - storytelling | ||
Afternoon 13.30 00 - 17.0013-16 | Exercise 2: Topic Space (jb, js) | 13-17 Individual Discussions | 15.,00 Presentation: topic and design space | 13-16 (jb) Preparing for the field: road map presentationsjb, js) | Exercise 4: 10 ways of manifestation | ||
Week 2 | Monday 14.1 | Tuesday 15.1 | Wednesday 16.1 | Thursday 17.1 | Friday 18.1 | ||
Morning 9.30 - 12.30Thesis structure presentation and milestones overview (js)00 | Field / Practice Study | Field / Practice Study Mentoring on request (js) | on storytelling | Mentoring storytelling
| Field / Practice Study | Mentoring on request (js) | Final Presentations: |
Afternoon 13.30 00 - 17.00 | Mentoring on request (jb) Field / Practice Study | Field / Practice Study Mentoring on request (js)
| Field / Practice Study Mentoring on request (js, jb) | Field / Practice Study Mentoring on request (js) | 17.00 3-page essay delivery |
Exercise 1: 20 ways of description
Select 10 ways of executing your ideas and exhibiting them.
- Mélanie Abbet
- Adrienn Bodor
- Claudia Buck & Randy Chen
- Jennifer Duarte
- Fiona Good
- Andrin Gorgi
- Marcial Koch
- Jérôme Krüsi
- Stefan Lustenberger
- Shaën Reinhart
- Dominik Szakacs
- Ju Young Yi