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Image Credit: Stable Diffusion, prompts: image source: "use this image, no king, no crown, short hair, use several voters of the 21st century, they stretch out their arms and hold smartphones over a city“


Dr. Roman Kirschner
(RK), Luke Franzke (LF)


The module 'Spatial Interaction' challenges students to deepen their practical and conceptual knowledge of human interactions in their immediate surroundings with a focus on public space. Starting from a location in Zurich where public life and „tamed nature“ overlap, students will develop spatial-technical frameworks for situated interactions. The student projects will connect people and environmental processes with the aim of investigating local impacts of urban (or everyday?) behaviour as well as long-distance effects of individual actions. They will learn how to interface the present mesocosm (collecting environmental data, identifying relationships) and how to anticipate/experiment with advanced techniques like remote sensing or machine vision. Designing in such situations requires the development of strategies for public outreach and communication as well as basic knowledge of intervening in complex systems. Students will work in groups and in a form of self-governed organization.societal processes.

Topic 2024: AI, Democracy and Public Space


As artificial intelligence begins to infiltrate various aspects of public life, from surveillance systems to algorithmic decision-making, it brings opportunities and challenges for democratic societies. Amongst privacy, surveillance, bias, and authorship concerns, it becomes easy to imagine an expanse of dystopian futures. A.I. AI features prominently in speculation of Existential Risk (Bostrum, 2002), and the numerous dystopian depictions of societal collapse driven by A.I. AI in science fiction provides plenty of material for anxiety. Many of these speculative horror scenarios are entering the everyday parlance of technology: the Alignment Problem (Gabriel, 2020), A.I. AI arms race (Moore, 2016), Superintelligence (Bostrom, 1998) andThe Singularity(Chalmers. 2016). There Such concerns will always outnumber the list of positives: there are inherently more ways for any system to go wrong than to go right: . But how do we increase the chance of our future with A.I. AI going in the right direction for the planet and for humanity , instead of the numerous infinite ways to go wrong? Many of the utopian scenarios being provided to us, however, come from people and organisations that stand the most to profit from the rapid and uncontrolled uptake of A.I. AI technology. For this reason, it is critical that we must have an alternative source of visions beyond the solutionism (Morozov, 2013) of Silicon Valley.

UnfortunatlyUnfortunately, we are already experiencing some of the dangerous eventualities of Generative A.I. The AI: the shift of political discourse to social media has also left our internal and interpersonal realm vulnerable to A.I.AI-based political manipulation through deep fakes and out-of-control algorithms driving radicalization (Ledwich et al., 2019). Yet, AI is now inseparable from all possible future trajectories: finding a non-zero-sum relationship with AI is a societal and ecological imperative. But the current spring of AI development has certainly sparked our imagination: projects like Polis leverage AI to find out what large numbers of people think about issues in their own words to better shape public policy. Augmented Democracy tries to use AI for radical new forms of direct democracy through a virtual twin.

But what about the historically central sphere of political and democratic discourse: the public space? Could this be our great chance to re-design a relationship with AI that is symbiotic and aligned with the needs of humans and non-human ecologies? Can AI support new forms of civic engagement? Can it help to give us better access to knowledge embedded in our environment? Can it help us to understand the manifold perspectives and life situations that clash and try to find compromises in a city?

In this module, we will build experimental futures for democracy in a spatial context. The course will work in collaboration with researchers from the SNF project “Stories of the Future”, a scientific communication project which aims to sensitize young people in Switzerland to the political and ethical nature of AI.


Bostrom, Nick. "Existential risks: Analyzing human extinction scenarios and related hazards." Journal of Evolution and Technology 9 (2002).

Gabriel, Iason. "Artificial intelligence, values, and alignment." Minds and machines 30.3 (2020): 411-437.

Geist, Edward Moore. "It’s already too late to stop the AI arms race—We must manage it instead." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 72.5 (2016): 318-321.

Bostrom, Nick. "How long before superintelligence." International Journal of Futures Studies 2.1 (1998): 1-9.

Chalmers, David J. "The singularity: A philosophical analysis." Science fiction and philosophy: From time travel to superintelligence (2016): 171-224.

Schüll, Natasha Dow. "The folly of technological solutionism: An interview with Evgeny Morozov." (2013).

Possible references:

Exercises / Tasks Ideas:

Developing a democratic discourse with AI.

Creating a political AI Mirror: The AI decides the nature of the 2nd exercise.

Deliverables and Documentation

  1. Final Prototype or Intervention

  2. Final Presentation

  3. Standard IAD Documentation (see handbook on wiki): 

    • Text file including the project title, names of students and mentors, a short description (250 - 400 characters ), and a long description (>1000 characters ), in a file to be labelled “Texts”

    • At least 10 representative images of the project (to be stored in a file labelled “Images”)

    • One longer video (< 5 minutes) of the project (to be stored in a file labelled “Video”). Mp4 full HD, see wiki for more details on format.  

    • One to two short social media teaser videos (20-30 seconds) in portrait format. 

    • A PDF documentation (to be stored in a file labelled “Documentation”)

    • Additional raw data, e.g., presentation, prototypes, or codes (to be stored in the respective file).

Upload your documentation files to: smb://

Main Project Brief

Ultimately, the outcomes of the module will envision ways of living with AI that empower rather than diminish the agency of individuals and communities. We approach the topic with prototypes and design interventions that leverage our technical skills and designerly perspective, while avoiding the tendencies of technological solutionism. The actual format of the end results will be developed through in-class discussions and steering meetings.


  1. Reflect on AI's Impact: Investigate the current and potential implications of AI on democratic and political processes, considering issues such as privacy, bias, polarisation and social and behavioural manipulation.

  2. Explore Spatial Dynamics: Explore how physical public spaces are being reshaped by AI and how the future might be reimagined using AI to foster inclusivity, civic engagement, greater awareness or critical thinking on the topic.

  3. Prototype Experimental Futures: Create tangible prototypes and/or interventions that embody new ways of ‍‍‍living with AI in public spaces and in democratic processes. Record your results extensively with photos, video and audio.



Week 1

Monday, 29.04.

Tuesday, 30.04.

Wednesday, 01.05.

Thursday, 02.05.

Friday, 03.05.


9:00 Kick-off & Introduction(

ZT 4.K14 Seminarraum)(

9:00 meeting @ Toni “Urban Social Contract in the Digital Age” - Workshop

ZT 3.K13 Seminarraum TL)

Start “Data, AI and Democracy in the City”

Workshop with Ramona

Workshop with Ramona



“Urban Social Contract in the Digital Age” - Workshop


Introduction Workshop with Ramona: “Urban Social Contract in the Digital Age”

ZT 4.K14 Seminarraum)

Introduction Workshop with Ramona: “Data, AI and Democracy in the City”


“Urban Social Contract in the Digital Age” - Workshop

ZT 3.K13 Seminarraum TL)

Workshop with Ramona

Workshop with Ramona

“Urban Social Contract in the Digital Age” - Workshop

Week 2

Monday, 6.05.

Tuesday, 7.05. 

Wednesday, 8.05.

Thursday, 09.05.

Friday, 10.05.


Presentation of workshop results (In Zurich city, or 5.K06 Aktionsraum for bad weather)

09:00 Task 1 Introduction (4.T06 Seminarraum)

Task 1 execution

11:00 Task1 presentation and Task 2 Introduction

Task 2 Execution and Concept Development


13:00 Input Jérôme and his team Laura Bullon-Cassis and Manuel Hubacher of Stories of the Future (5.K06 Aktionsraum)

Task 1 execution

Task 1 presentation & discussion

2 Initial Investigation

16:00 Task 2 Introduction discussion (4.T06 Seminarraum)

Task 2 Execution and Concept Development

Week 3 

Monday, 13.05.

Tuesday, 14.05.

Wednesday, 15.05.

Thursday, 16.05. 

Friday, 17.05. 


task 10:30 Task 2 presentation & discussion (Possible Zoom presentationpresentations incl. AI chatbots)

Concept Development

10:30 - 12:00 Concept Mentoring (Via Zoom)

Concept + Prototype Development

Concept + Prototype Development


Concept Development

1314:45 - 17:00 Concept Mentoring (Via Zoom)

( Luke in PhD Meeting 13.30-14.45)5

Concept + Prototype Development

16:00 Check-In (Via Zoom)

Concept + Prototype Development

Week 4

Monday, 20.05.

Tuesday, 21.05.

Wednesday, 22.05.

Thursday, 23.05.

Friday, 24.05.


(09-12:30 Streichen 00 Painting for BA Finals)

Concept + Prototype Development

(09-12:00 Painting for BA Finals)

Group work/Production

Group work/Production

Group work/Production


14:00 Prototype Presentation & Steering Meeting (ZT 5.F01 Seminarraum)

13:00 Mentoring (Atelier)

Group work/Production

Group work/Production

Group work/Production

Week 5

Monday, 27.05.

Tuesday, 28.05.

Wednesday, 29.05.

Thursday, 30.05.

Friday, 01.06.


Group work/ Production

Group work/ Production

Group work/ Production

Group work/ Production

Group work/ Production


13:00 Technical Support LF (Atelier)

1312:00 30 Mentoring (Atelier)

13:00 Technical Support LF (Atelier)

Group work/ Production

Group work/ Production

Week 6

Monday, 03.06.

Tuesday, 04.06.

Wednesday, 05.06.

Thursday, 06.06.

Friday, 07.06.


BA Thesis exhibition roundGroup work

09:00 Technical Support LF (Atelier)

Group work

Vernissage / Final Presentation

documentation/ reflection



Group work

Group work

Vernissage / Final Presentation Final Pressentation 15:00 - 17:30

documentation/ reflection




Donella Meadows: Leverage Points - Places to Intervene in a System.


Debra Solomon and Caroline Nevejan: Soil in the city - The Socio-Environmental Substrate.


María Puig de la Bellacasa: Soil Times - The Pace of Ecological Care.


References AI & solutionism (from introductory text above)

Bostrom, Nick (2002) Existential risks: Analyzing human extinction scenarios and related hazards. Journal of Evolution and Technology 9.

Gabriel, Iason (2020) Artificial intelligence, values, and alignment. Minds and machines 30.3 : 411-437.

Geist, Edward Moore (2016) It’s already too late to stop the AI arms race—We must manage it instead. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 72.5: 318-321.

Bostrom, Nick (1998) How long before superintelligence. International Journal of Futures Studies 2.1: 1-9.

Chalmers, David J. (2016) The singularity: A philosophical analysis. Science fiction and philosophy: From time travel to superintelligence : 171-224.

Schüll, Natasha Dow (2013) The folly of technological solutionism: An interview with Evgeny Morozov.

Ledwich, Mark, and Anna Zaitsev (2019) Algorithmic extremism: Examining YouTube's rabbit hole of radicalization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.11211.


  1. Georges Perec: Träume von Räumen (Auszug dt.), Espèces d'espace (extrait fr.). (via email)

  2. Natasha Myers: A Kria for Cultivating your Inner Plant.

  3. Bourdieu, Pierre (1989) Sozialer Raum, symbolischer Raum. In: Dünne J., Raumtheorie - Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften, Suhrkamp 2006, 354-368. (via email)

  4. Franinovic & Kirschner: Microbiospherians. (via email)

Further Reading

  1. Morton E. O'Kelly: Spatial Interaction.

  2. Asenbaum, Hans (2020) Spatial Theory of Democracy. Talk given at Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Webinar 5: “Democracy & Space” [min 06:10-18:08].

  3. Voss, Jan Peter (2020) The McDonaldization of Democracy: Translocal Space-making by innovating “deliberative mini-publics”. Talk given at Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Webinar 5: “Democracy & Space” [min 18:45-35:33].

  4. Garcia Vargas, Laura, et al. (2022) Geneva: a city of paradoxes and dualities. Diagnostic report on security, surveillance, and digital technologies.

  5. Mendel, Maria (2019) The spatial ways democracy works: On the pedagogy of common places. Why, why now?

  6. Duberry, Jérôme (2022) Artificial Intelligence and Democracy: Risks and Promises of AI-Mediated Citizen–Government Relations.

  7. Duberry, Jérôme (2023) Beyond Techno-solutionism and silver bullets.

  8. Sprenger, Ramona (2023) Do not feed the google.

  9. Morozov, Evgeny (2014) PUBLIC SPACE // Shared Spaces with Evgeny Morozov.

  10. Morozov, Evgeny (2014) The rise of data and the death of politics.

  11. https://platform.openAIcom/docs/guides/prompt-engineering


Further Reading

  1. O'Kelly, Morton E. (2014) Spatial Interaction.

  2. Weaver, Duncan (2020) Spatiality and World Politics.

  3. Baccini, et. al.(2012) Metabolism of the Anthroposphere: Analysis, Evaluation, Design, MIT Press

  4. González de Molina, Manuel, et al. (2014) The Social Metabolism: A Socio-Ecological Theory of Historical Change, Springer

  5. Gillian Barker et al.: Entangled Life. Organism and Environment in the Biological and Social Sciences. (2014)

  6. Jakob von Uexüll: Streifzüge durch die Umwelten von Tieren und Menschen. Ein Bilderbuch unsichtbarer Welten. (1956)

  7. Massey, Doreen (2009) Concepts of space and power in theory and in political practice, Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica 55, 15-26

  8. Mol, Arthur P. J., et al. (2018) Zur Umweltsoziologie der Netzwerke und Flows. In: Groß M. (ed) Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 140–153Nelson, Mark (2018) Pushing our limits: Insights from Biosphere 2, University of Arizona Press


We will prepare doodles for mentoring with time slots of different lengths depending on the progress of the overall project. Reserve your slot and try to be on time. Questions can be asked anytime – also via email.



Exercise Results (Spatialize, Vegetalize, Leverage Points) (TBA)


Concept (TBA)


Milestone presentation prototype 1 (TBA)
