Due to COVID-19, there won’t be any physical diploma exhibition. Therefore the diploma projects are going to be presented mainly through the IAD website. Next to the IAD website, the DDE will launch a separate one, where all design diploma projects from the BA and MA will be presented in a crisp form. It serves mainly as a distribution platform, linking to the websites from individual subject areas.
IAD Website
DDE Website
IAD Website
Please note, that video deadlines are separately compiled in Thesis year milestones 2019-2020.
Before Monday, 01.06.2020 Discuss your material (images, text, video) with mentors
Monday, 01.06.2020 Upload final material on server, including video
Monday–Friday, 01.–05.06.2020 Content is going to be uploaded on website by Martin
Friday, 09Monday, 08.06.2020 Internal check of students and mentors
Tuesday, 09.06.2020 Website accessible for BA Finals, only via links
Friday, 12.06.2020 Going-Live, Vernissage
Please deliver text in the following Google Docs.
Project title
Subtitle (optional)
Name of student(s)
Name of mentors
Contact mail (important: private email-address, not @zhdk.ch)
Cooperation partner (optional)
Project website URL (optional)
in English AND German
max. 750 characters incl. spaces
BA: Please upload images on server.
MA: Please send images via WeTransfer to martin.dusek@zhdk.ch.
Show the IAD logoscreen at the end of the credits (server address)DDE/BDE_VIAD/04_IAD DOKUMENTATION ANLEITUNG /IAD video intro/credits template).
DDE Website
Friday, 12.06.2020 Going-Live, Vernissage
Short Teaser Texts
Teaser Image
The teaser image is the same as on the IAD website.