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Designing (with) microclimates.

Lecturers: Roman Kirschner and and Jyoti Kapur

Contents and Objectives

What are the effects of climatic conditions on spatial atmospheres that include smells, sounds and light? How can diverse microclimates exist in an enclosed built space? How can spaces be "activated" at the intersection of materials and climatic conditions (varying temperature, humidity and air flow)? How could tangible materials help harvest air, moisture and energy?


Monday (21.09)

Tuesday (22.09)

Wednesday (23.09)

Thursday (24.09)

Friday (25.09)

(09:00-11:00 Theory class (Aesthetics of Interaction))

Idea development/ Presentation preparation

9:00 - 12:00 Individual Process/Project planning in scheduled Zoom sessions

Project Development

Individual Mentoring

Project Development

Individual Mentoring

13:00 Presentation of Ideas

Project Group Building/Planning

14:00 Zoom-Lecture Prof. Sascha Rösler "On Microclimates" (title tbc)

Project Development

Individual Mentoring

Project Development

Individual Mentoring

Bits and Atoms III

15:00 - 17:00 

Project Development

Individual Mentoring

Project Development

Individual Mentoring

Week 3 :  

Monday (28.09)

Tuesday (29.09.)

Wednesday (30.09)

Thursday (01.10)

Friday (02.10)

9:00 - 12:00 Mentoring Project/ Exhibition Realization in scheduled Zoom sessions

Project Finalization

Project Finalization

Exhibition Finalization

15.00 Exhibition Opening Viaduktraum (ZT 2.A05)


Taking down Exhibition

13:00 Group meeting (Zoom):Exhibition discussion

Project Finalization

Bits and Atoms III

15:00 - 17:00 


Taking down Exhibition


Walensee, Walenstadt (Seecamping), Quinten, Paxmal

Exhibition Vernissage: 01.10.2020

Viaduktraum ZT 2.A05-- to be updated: --

Field research tasktasks:

Develop 1) Develop attention for atmosphere, presence, performances (of spaces, people, materials), fields (of actions, of influences), rhythms of the environment (sealake, wind, season), different time frames, collaboration with the landscape, interactions between people, materials, and spaces.

2)  Observe: a) the interrelationship between your tent's outer surface (material + form)and outside climatic conditions - air flow/temperature/humidity.
                     b) Observe the relationship to the inner surface of the tent and the interior climatic conditions (closed/open sleeping bag and entry).
                     c) Observe the interrelationship of the climatic conditions between the sleeping bag and yourself (body)- before going to sleep + after waking up.

Design tasktasks:

Develop a temporary piece of architecture or spatial intervention in any of available locations (underwater, coast, abandoned military architectures). We demand a strong conceptual involvement but it is most of all about concrete experiences and tests!1) Make a series of experiments with how to alter and fine-tune the microclimate of a small mobile space paying attention to temporality and diversity. Demonstrate the relationship between the materials used (tent surface or any other that was chosen) and the climatic conditions (air flow, temperature or humidity). Why is the used material essential and what and how does it add to the developed concept? How does the light, smellscape or soundscape vary in your concept?

2) document your failures and successes

3) realize and put one of these microclimates up for display in the final exhibition.


How to recreate or represent the experiences and spaces from the field trip and further test locations back in Toni?