by Alessa Gassman & Michael Schönenberger
Week 4 - WednesdayMonday, 1816.10.17 - InstabilityInstability (Class takes place on Stromboli)
Latour, Bruno. 2000. "Sharing responsibility: Farewell to the sublime". In Reset Modernity! MIT Press. 167-171.
Pickering, Andrew. 2013. "Being in an environment: a performative perspective". Natures Sciences Sociétés 21. 77-83.
by Daniel Holler & Vinzenz Leutenegger
Week 6 - WednesdayTuesday, 131.1110.17 - Matrix (Class takes place in Kunstraum)
Lecture: Historical overview II - Modern Times
Lindtner, Silvia, Bardzell, S. & Bardzel, J. 2016. “Reconstituting the Utopian Vision of Making: HCI After Technosolutionism”. In CHI ‘16.
Foucault, Michel, Martin, L. H., Gutman, H., & Hutton, P. H. 1988. Technologies of the self. A seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. pp16-39.
by Manuel Leuthold & Michael Schönenberger
by Tobias Dupuch, Shaën Reinhart & Dyon Ruiter
Week 7 - WednesdayThursday, 2223.11.17 - Materiality (room change 5T09)
Lecture: Historical overview III - Fabrication 2010 - 2016Arash Adel, ' Encoding Design'.
Susanne Kuchler. "Technological Materiality Beyond the Dualist Paradigm"
by Adrienn Bodor & Ismael Möri
Essay Proposal Deadline:
You'll present in class your essay proposal (3mn) which should include: On half-page, present the topic area with reference to literature, an abstract of approx. 8-10 sentences, and your the rough structure / structure of the essay in key points. . You'll present in class your essay proposal in a couple sentences (1mn each).
Week 8 - Wednesday, 29.11.17 - Disruption