BA Students: | MA Students: |
Réjane, Silvan, Micaela, Aurelian (TVOC’s environmental combo, PM2.5 particle sensor )
Guan, Daniel, Janosch, Shafira
Micaela, Fabrizio, Armin
(Infrared Matrix, Spectroscopy Sensor)
Johannes, Eleonora, Thore, Bamna (IR image)
Sandro, Fabrizio, Elena, Jolanda (PH sensor)
Nadia, Bin, Riva, Armin (Environmental combo, IMU)
Miguel, Dzhuliia, Nicola, Plengpai (Environmental combo)
Vernissage preferences:
Group | Location | Back up location |
| stadionbrache | Works in Bad Weather |
2. Guan, Daniel, Janosch, Shafira | stadionbrache | Rather reschedule |
3. Johannes, Eleonora, Thore, Bamna | stadionbrache | Or somewhere outside undercover. |
4. Sandro, Fabrizio, Elena, Jolanda | stadionbrache | Undercover inside or outside. |
5. Nadia, |
Bin, Riva, Armin | stadionbrache | Rather reschedule |
6. Miguel, Dzhuliia, |
Nicola, Plengpai | stadionbrache | Works in Bad Weather |
Week 1 | Tuesday, 03.05. 4.T06 | Wednesday, 04.05. 4.T06 | Thursday, 05.05. | Friday, 06.05. 4.T06 |
morning | 9:00 Kick-off & Introduction 10:30 Presentation MA Design Studio 2 | 9:00 Stadionbrache Visit Sensor Exercise 1 (LF, PZ) 10:30 Stadionbrache Visit | 10:00 - 16:00 Visit at Grüezi Garte (see “Excursion” above) | Exercise System-Flow-Analysis/Mapping Leverage Points |
afternoon | 14:00 Lecture/ Workshop Toland | 15:00 Susanne Gruber of Verein Stadionbrache Exercise Spatialize, Remote Environment (& Inhabitant) | Sensor Exercise 2 (LF, PZ) Exercise Vegetalize | 14:00 Presentation Exercise Results |
Week 2 | Tuesday, 10.05. (without MA students)4.K16 | Wednesday, 11.05. 4.K16 (without MA students) | Thursday, 12.05. 4.K16 | Friday, 13.05. 4.K16 |
morning | Group work: (without MA students) Concept preparation | Group work: Concept preparation (with MA students!) | Group work: Concept finalization | Group work: experimentation |
afternoon | Group work: (with MA students) Concept preparation | Group work: Concept preparation 14:00 Susanne Gruber of Verein Stadionbrache 15:00 Steering-Meeting Mentoring BA(Concept discussions)Mentoring | Group work: Concept finalization | 13:00 Steering MA + BA (RK online,LF, PZ) Group work: experimentation |
Week 3 | Tuesday, 17.05. | Wednesday, 18.05.(MA students: Rasa) 4.K16 | Thursday, 19.05. (MA students: Rasa) 4.K16 | Friday, 20.05. (MA students: Rasa) 4.K16 |
morning | Group work: experimentation | Group work: prototype 1 | Group work: prototype 1 | Group work: prototype 1 |
afternoon | Group work: prototype 1 | 13:00 Mentoring (RK online,LF, PZ) | Group work: prototype 1 | 13:00 Milestone presentation |
Week 4 | Tuesday, 24.05. 5.K01 | Wednesday, 25.05. 4.T06 | Thursday, 26.05. | Friday, 27.05. |
morning | Group work: prototype 2 | Group work: prototype 2 | AUFFAHRT | Group work: final prototype |
afternoon | 13:00 Mentoring (RK,LF, PZ) Group work: prototype 2 | 16:00 Steering-Meeting | RK+KF Mentoring Group work: final prototype | |
Week 5 | Tuesday, 31.05. 4.T06 | Wednesday, 01.06. | Thursday, 02.06. 4.T06 | Friday, 03.06. 4.T06 |
morning | 9:00 Mentoring (RK online,LF, PZ) Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype |
afternoon | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | 14:00 Vernissage (Video shooting & participants interviews) |
Week 6 | Tuesday, 07.06. | Wednesday, 08.06. 4.T06 | Thursday, 09.06. 5.T04 | Friday, 10.06. 4.T06 |
morning | documentation / reflection | documentation / reflection | 9:00-12:00 MA 00 MA students: Masters Thesis Development 1: Colloquium | documentation |
afternoon | documentation / reflection | documentation / reflection | 13:00-16:00 BA students : Final internal Presentation (MA giving feedback) + general Feedback | documentation |
Exercise Results (Spatialize, Remote Environment (& Inhabitant?), Vegetalize, Leverage Points) (6.5.)
Concept (11.5.)
Milestone presentation prototype 1 (20.5.)
Vernissage (3.6.)
Final internal presentation (9.6.)