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Dr Joëlle Bitton
Verena Ziegler
Aurelian Ammon

Guest contributions:
Luke FranzkeLaetitia Frost & Naomi Bulliard, Centre for Sustainable Fashion, London College of Fashion, UAL
Guests bios:

Naomi Bulliard

Naomi is linguist and multilingual educator with expertise in participatory design, cultures of sustainability and intercultural collaborations. She has worked in academic and professional roles in education across locations and generations, and has created professional development courses and awards in intercultural and inclusive working practices.  
As Head of Strategy at Centre for Sustainable Fashion, one of University of the Arts’ Research Centres, Naomi oversees strategic activities across Research, Education and Knowledge Exchange, and the development of sustainability literacy and strategies. She has worked on a number of international cross-sector collaborations centred around experiential learning, displacement, diversity and inclusion, and design for sustainability.  
Laetitia Frost
Laetitia is a multi-technique textile designer whose practice explores the tension between technical challenges and creativity in sustainable design for textiles. Laetitia trained as a textile designer at ENSAD Paris before working as a freelance textile designer for fashion, interiors and consulting in eco-design. She carried out her PhD research on the subject of textile design for disassembly in relation to recycling challenges at the Centre for Circular Design at Chelsea College of Arts. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher on two UAL research projects: the Business of Fashion Textiles and Technology (BFTT) project with the Centre for Sustainable Fashion, and HEREWEAR with the Centre for Circular Design.

Office hours by appointment


  • Kickoff Exercise: Analogue Data Collection 

    Look for sources of your personal body data in the real world. What traces do we leave behind that give us indications about our movements, vital signs or emotions
    Be aware of the data you're collecting without intention. Or are you currently collecting data intentionally? 

    Record videos or take photos to indicate and attempt to extract the data or reflect on it. 

    Represent that data in a performative way. 

    Presentation/performance: max 2 minutes 

    Individual work

  • Weekly progress reviews
  • Booklet 1st concept, prototype & inspirations

  • Friday Workshop

    • Tutorials for scraping Instagram, scraping Tinder, using database from Google Location History in kml format in Processing, using Real Time location with GYROSC, and using with to connect web sockets are here::: Tutorials_scraping_gps_and_more_avt.pdf

  • Final Project and Presentation: Wearable designed from personal data

    Use Data-Collection, Generative Design Methods and Digital Fabrication to create a Data Driven Wearable (fashion item, prosthesis, orthesis, prosthetics, implant, etc).

    Questions to consider in your process:

    • What drives the design? (example: is it functional, speculation or critique)
    • Where could the data come from? (example: sensors)
    • How do you map the data to a geometry? (example: using a metaphor) 
    • Or is the form making process inspired by existing models? (example: fungus, cell division, mathematical geometry,…)
    • What is the fabrication process? 

    In groups of four or five students 

  • Presentation Format: Exhibition of Experiments & Performance with Final Prototypes together with an oral presentation.

    Presentation on: 22 or 23.12.21

  • Documentation 

    •  A 'Journal' is developed by each student that reflects on learnings from the course. It should be in the form of an online blog (ie. WordPress, Tumblr or other):
      • The journal should be structured in a generally comprehensible manner
      • The lecture notes, including annotations, are stored
      • Notes, sketches for each lesson should be included as well

    • Final Documentation per usual guidelines: hi-res pics, PDF with text, video documentation (see Wiki)


Student Teams & Journals 

Journals Readings

Embodied Interaction: Exploring the Foundations of a New Approach to HCI


Presentation Verena Ziegler "body extensions"
