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Using MuLab

MuLab is a lightweight, crossplatform, modular music production environment. It offers a free version with some limitations.


(also Read the information in the MuLab Doc)

  1. Load MultiSampla by clicking on an empty slot Create an instrument track in the rack
  2. Note on signal flow: the racks get MIDI data from top, and then this is transferred into audio by the multisampler)
  3. Deleting instances in Rack -> Right-click on instance, don’t use delete / backspace directly on the rack (deletes whole rack!)by clicking the small plus-symbol 
  4. In the "Choose Instrument" window select Devices > Instruments > Multisampla
  5. In the "Multi-Sampler" section of the "MultiSampla Front Panel" window double click the black input field (or click the small arrow) to open up the Multi-Sample view
  6. Create Sample Zone by drag & drop a soundfile (wav / aiff) or by doubleclicking the area under the keyboard and dragging the mouse
    • Samples should always be uncompressed WAV or AIFF (performance/latency)! If a sample can’t be loaded, change format to aiff / wav and samplerate / bitrate to project rate
    • Make sure your samples have simple systematic names, to simplify coding later.
  7. Assigning your sounds starting with the lowest midi note value: C-2, / decimal value “0”. This makes it easier to build a functional prototype.
    • When you use a synth it may be necessary to transpose the synth so that sounds are audible. Transposition is achieved with XPOS
  8. Make sure the velocity sensitivity (VS) is set to zero (VS knob in multisampler AMP section) -> ensures that the sound is played at equal volume no matter how strong you press the key (simulates a simple trigger)
  9. Save Multisampla presets ("save as" icon in Multisampla, navigate to desired location). 
  10. Rename the multisample set (sample-to-note assignements) using the cogwheel icon to be able to identify samplesets. 
  11. Configure Loop (Loopmodes): Start of playback, start of loop and end of loop. Usually “alternating” is the best mode
    • Add Loop point for three-step loops (Start / loop start-point / loop end-point) by double-clicking the timeline.


  1. In a new rack, load the “Audio Envelope Follower” (under “Modules” > “Event Generators”
  2. in the Audio Envelope Follwer, select the desired midi note to trigger
  3. Insert a multisampler below (or use your existing multisampler)
  4. Insert a sample at the desired Note
  5. Now go to “Modular” View in the main window
  6. Double click the module “Audio File” and route its output (“output to”) to send its signal to the rack which contains the envelope follower.
  7. Now you get a signal into the envelope follower. Set the values in the envelope follower to achieve the desired behaviour (loudness triggers event).
  8. You can also use bandpass filters to “look” for specific frequencies to trigger the follower! Eg to create a “singing interface” which triggers if a specific pitch is sung.
  9. Now you can insert a send on top of the rack, and send the audio signal to a second rack. Like this you can make the original signal audible together with the triggered sample, if desired. You can of course then apply processing to the sent signal as well.

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pageTutorials and How-To`s