Week 1 - DATA / MATERIAL COLLECTION | Tu. 14.11 | | Th. 16.11 | Fr. 17.11 |
Morning (starting 9:00 unless noted otherwise) | 9.30 Kick-off course (syllabus presentation) {jb, jr} Input - Embodied Interaction/Fabrication - Part I {jb}
Discussion in groups Part I: From ideation to in-depth concept {jb, jr} - Discuss the points in the lecture that inspired you, troubled you, confused you - what stayed. what experience could you create from these interactions? {jb}
Presentation of Kick-off exercise (2min/student)
| 10.00 Input - Sensing and data collection overview {lf}
Discussion in groups Part II:??11.00 - Discuss the points in the lecture that inspired you. what experience could you create from these interactions? {jb}
| DukesWorkshop Data, self and bodies I - Dance input/exercise Yatin Lin??
Dance input/exercise Yatin Lin??- Dukes
"Extractivism & Entanglement"
| Presentation Assignments
- Input
References, case studies & working with live data {jr}
- Decide your group (2-4 people)
Afternoon (starting 13:00 unless noted otherwise)
| Kick-Off exercise
***In prep for next week, start collecting materials (or growing them)***
| Input Embodied Interaction/Fabrication - Part II {jb}Presentation of Kick-off exercise (2min/student)
Discussion in groups - Part IIIII: From ideation to in-depth concept - What embodied interaction experience do you want to create?
- What inspires it? (material, relation, environment, data, topic...)
- What drives the design? (what role does it play, what does it provoke?)
- What data makes sense to use?
- What metaphor could be relevant?
{jb} | | Presentation Assignments Workshop Data, self and bodies II - Collecting and Working with live & online Datasets
{jr} Decide your group (2-4 people)13.30 (in Toni & outside)
Performance & Sensations Text, Discussion & Listening Exercise {jr} | Group study |
4T06 | 4K11 | 5D01 | 5T04 |
Week 2 - DATA MAPPING & MATERIAL EXPERIMENTATION | | | Th. 23.11 | Fr. 24.11 |
Group study: Material workshop prep |
Material workshop day {jb, jr} 9.00 Set up materials in room 9.30 Demo & presentations - bring the materials you have collected and create interfaces that take into account their properties and affordances
| Group study
Group study | Group study
Atelier Walk-through/tech questions {jr}
Afternoon + booklet investigating into the material you chose
Each group proposes an experiment
| 9.30 Data & Materials: first ideas/mentorings
- Input/Exercise: What meaning do you give to the data? What metaphors do you use for mapping? How to interact with machines and materials {jb}
- Quick Catch-up per group/first mentorings {jb}
| Group study Atelier Walk-through {jr}
Afternoon |
***13:00 - 17:00: Mandatory Atelier Presence (Infotag Walk-Through) |
| 4K11 | 4T06 |
Week 3 - FABRICATION | | We. 29.11 | Th. 30.11 | Fr. 01.12 |
Morning | 9.30 Class presentation: First prototypes and research directions (8mn/group)
Present Initial prototype (show actual work) and Answer the questions we asked in the groups discussion: - From your design interest/wish, reflect on what drives it: data, material, fabrication technique, function, critique, curiosity, inspiration..?
- what is the data you will use and how do you collect it? (api, sensor, live, dataset, personal, collective etc…)
- how will you map it?
- how would you like to fabricate it? (technology used, materials used…)
- which interface for which material?
- what is the larger socio-eco-political context of the material you are using?
- what story are you telling?
{jb, jr}
| Group study | Group study
| Group study / Atelier Walk-through/tech questions {jr} |
Afternoon | Group study | 14.00 Mentoring/Presentations in separate groups - Materials experiments & Advanced Prototype II {jb, jr}
| 5D01 |
Week 4 - FABRICATION | | We. 06.12 | Th. 07.12 | Fr. 08.12 |
| Group study | Group study
Group studyfrom 10.00: Atelier Walk-through/short mentorings {jb} | Group study
Afternoon | Mentoring/Presentations in separate groups /Tech questions - Advanced Prototype III At Body/Final Scale {jb, jr} | Atelier Walk-through/Tech questions {jr} |
| 14.00 Group study | 13.30 Public Presentation - Catwalk in public/ Toni bridge + debrief in class
{jb, jr}
+ 17.00 Delivery: Booklet with Overall Concept, Main directions, Inspirations/Related Work, Material inquiries, and Prototype
| ZT 4.T06 |
Week 5 - FINAL PRODUCTION 1 | Tu. 12.12 | We. 13.12 | Th. 14.12 | Fr. 15.12 |
Morning | Group study | Group study
| Group study
| Group study
| 13.00 Mentoring/ /Tech questions - Advanced Prototype IIIIV {jrjb} | from 14.30: Atelier Walk-through {jb, jr} | 14.00 Advanced Presentation - Choreography - Various places in Toni (find your location) {jb, jr}
Week 6 - FINAL PRODUCTION 2 | Tu. 19.12 | We. 20.12 | Th. 21.12 | Fr. 22.12 |
Morning | Group study
| Group study: prep final presentation
| 10.00 Final Presentation - Performance
+Circle session Last Discussion - Students Review lessons learned + Feedback session {jb, jr}
**end around ˜13.0030 | Documentation - Deadline 17.00
| Walk-through/ Mentoring - Completed Prototype V {jb, jr} | Documentation |