The module takes place over 4 weeks, from 25.03.18 to 18.04.18, from Tuesday to Friday, 9.00-17.00 - see timetable below for detailed hours and classrooms. Class sessions include discussions, mentoring sessions, in-class exercises, and independent study blocks. Projects are conducted individually or in a team (up to four students).
Overview and Objectives: Security, Privacy,
Comfort, Belonging, Ownership
IKEA, one of the world leading retail home furniture companies, regularly publishes marketing studies on the “life at home” state of the world. According to the lastLife at Home Global Report 2018, 35% of people living in cities worldwide declared that there are places where they feel more at home than the space they actually live in[1]. Furthermore, the report found out that:
- There are five fundamental needs that we all seek in order to create that elusive feeling of home (security, privacy, comfort, belonging, ownership).
- Our neighborhood and communities play an increasingly important role in our homemaking experiences.
- Our cities offer us anonymous places for private moments, while our residential homes restrict our physical and mental privacy.
- Photos, Recordings
- Instagram Account?
- Recipes, booklets and Actions for the final day
Methods to use:
Conceptual and Design Speed Dating:
Spinning off our debates on this topic, this method allows us to effectively brainstorm in any given directions. We will create a morphological table based on the feelings of home (security, privacy, comfort, belonging, ownership) and cooking utilities. The aim is to conceptualise further and to design a mobile part of a kitchen.
Side-specific walk to FOGO Areal:
Cooking recipe karaoke
This exercise should allow us to be open for any kinds of cooking events.. we will brainstorm on ingredients, preparations, and serving food and how this influences the way we would like to interact in the field. We will present our created recipes to each other – might it be our childhood dream, for the best social event, a molecular kitchen, cultural-fusion or a utopian meal.
Availability of Lecturers in brackets []
Preparation Interactive Prototyping Week (KW13)
| | |
Monday, 25.03. |
2018 | [C] [A] | Museum für Gestaltung - Ausstellungsstr. |
Tuesday, 26.03. |
2018Structure structure of the weeks - Ideation |
/ Side-Specific Walk at FOGO Areal (with protocol)13.00 Making-Intro - Collecting Samples, Discuss deliverables, 11.00 Exercise (Clemens): Interaction Design Brainstorming
| [C] [A] |
WerkstättenDDE Designgalerie 4.K13, FOGO
Wednesday, |
28201892019 | 09.00 collecting samples 13.00- |
13 First reflection and conversation Presentation on first sampling/ collections and reflection on the notions of the |
briefTask develop a story board - construction kit
brief (group 1: containing, group 2: preparing, group 3: washing, group 4: baking, group 5 grilling)
| [C] [A] | FOGO, DDE Designgalerie 4.K13
Thursday, 28.03.2019 | 13.00-14.00 - visiting material collections | [C] | Werkstätten |
Thursday2018Organise Test Material - Independent study |
| Werkstätten |
/ FOGOEaster Break | Conceptualize Narrative/ Prototyping Development Prototyping, Testings, Recipes (KW14) |
Tuesday, 02.04. |
2018 2019 | Test Material - Independent study |
| Werkstätten/ FOGO |
Wednesday, 03.04. |
2018 2019 | 9.00-11.00 walk around & project work | [A] | Werkstätten/ FOGO |
Thursday, 04.04. |
2018911 Presentations of first plots workshop with characters and keywords Interim presentations of vehicles and kitchen supplies | [C] [A] | FOGO |
Friday, 05.04. |
2018 Prototype - Independent study12.00-15.00 Cooking experiments – testing at Toni Areal | [C] [A] | Werkstätten/ FOGO |
Week 3: |
ExecutionCooking Events, Cultural Investigations & Participation (KW15) |
Tuesday, |
102018 2019 | 11.00-13.00 walk around & project work | [C] | FOGO |
Wednesday, |
112018 911.00 walk around & project work15.00 Cooking Event I at FOGO Areal | [A] | FOGO |
Thursday, |
122018 9.00-11.00 Pre-presentations at FOGO Areal 12.30-14.00 first interaction tests | [C] [A] | 2019 | Independent study |
| FOGO |
Friday. |
132018 Discuss deliverables & remind to students / Prototype - Independent study Prototype, Present Cooking Event II > Document via Video, Photo, Audio | [C] [A] | FOGO |
Week 4:
Participation Documentation and Presentation (KW16) |
Tuesday, |
1720182019 | Independent study |
| FOGO |
Wednesday, |
18201800 walk around & project work / preparing 00 Rehearsing Cooking Events / Assembling/ preparing presentations | [C] [A] | FOGO |
Thursday, |
122018 2019 | 14.00-17.00 Final public exhibitions at |