Dozierende: Karmen Instructor: Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinovic
Inter-Action Design seminar is an introduction into the field of interaction design, its history, concepts and future perspectives, from user-centred to life-centred design. We will also discuss a specific IAD approach grounded on the notion of Inter-Action Design, discussing the basis of and its foundation in relational and activity-based thinking and making. This seminar will provide a fundamental base for the upcoming semesters interweaving courses and your projects in which we will interweave theory and practice into discourse. .
Note: As some of the readings are not freely accessible, all the readings will be provided at Paul learning platform course Theorie 1.2 VIAD Inter-Action Design BDE-BDE-T-VS-1002.20H.001
Coop Himmelb(l)au in Basel, 1971
Part I: Designing Interactions
Designing Interactions
21. September 2020.
User-centred, Tangible, Speculative …
Designing Interactions book
each write a short summary
23. September 2020.
2. Diversity beyond Human: Vortag Sascha Roesler
Readings: bio, gender, atmosphere
28.09.20. 3. Design Symposium
Session 1: Human-Centred Design
21. September 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom
What means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.
Questions: What means user-centred, tangible or critical design?Topics: history of interaction design, user-centred design, tangible design, critical design…
Moggridge, B. ed.. Designing Interactions (2007). MIT Press.
Moggridge, B. Lecture 2008
Bill Verplank, Interaction Design Sketchbook
Session 2: Diversity beyond Human
23. September 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
What means being human in the world? In this essential of all questions Immanuel Kant´s three fundamental questions arose: What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of what humanity means at all. Is there a sufficient answer to this question and where do we find a systematic discourse?
Questions: What means environment, human, affordance, technology, art, design, user?
Burckhardt, L. (1980). Design ist unsichtbar. In Gsöllpointner, H.; Hareiter, A.; Ortner, L. (1981). Design ist unsichtbar. Wien: Loecker.
Gibson, J.J. (1986). The Theory of Affordances. In Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
Connor, S. (2011) Paraphernalia: The Curious Lives of Magical Things). Wires. In Profile Books
Session 3: Design Symposium
28. September 2020.
Session 4: Solve et Coagula
Guest: Prof. Dr. Sascha Roesler
Topics: atmosphere, spatial diversity, bio diversity…
Session 3: Design Symposium (cancelled)
Session 3: Attunement : Theory in the Field
28. September 2020.
time: 9.00am - 12.00pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
We will continue our journey in a manner of alchemic wondering about the world. We will dissolve (Solve) and Coagulate our bodily experiences to stimulate first thoughts on the role of design, human and technology. How will we might become a designer and what do we face in the university as well as the outside world? We will investigate various concepts through spatial and ecological thinking - discussing about our local surroundings and global interdependencies.
Questions: What means environment, human, affordance, technology, art, design, user?
Burckhardt, L. (1980). Design ist unsichtbar. In Gsöllpointner, H.; Hareiter, A.; Ortner, L. (1981). Design ist unsichtbar. Wien: Loecker.
Gibson, J.J. (1986). The Theory of Affordances. In Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
Connor, S. (2011) Paraphernalia: The Curious Lives of Magical Things). Wires. In Profile Books
Session 5: Ecological Thinking
30. September 2020.
time: 12.00am - 17.00pm
What means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.
Topics : affordances, embodiment, enactive thinking, environment
Moggridge, B. ed.. Designing Interactions (2007). MIT Press.
Session 6: Inter-Action
5. October 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom
What means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.
Questions: what is digital? what is analog? what is digitalisation? what is an interface? What is inter-action? What is intra-action?
Moggridge, B. ed.. Designing Interactions (20’7). MIT Press.
Session 7: Otherness
12. October 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom
What means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.
Questions: human and posthuman, bio, gender, atmosphere
Moggridge, B. ed.. Designing Interactions (20’7). MIT Press.
Session 8: Complexity
19. October 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom
What means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.
Questions: What means acting and leveraging?
Moggridge, B. ed.. Designing Interactions (20’7). MIT Press.
Session 9: Life-Centred Design
9. November 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
We discuss concepts such as "embodiment", "mind-body dualism", "education", "affordance", "affect", and take a quick look at the Skinner Box. We talk about the design and readability of incentives in our environment and ask: Is there a difference between behaviour, social behaviour, and conditioned behaviour? What do we have to consider as a designer when we first know this difference?
Questions: What means human behaviour, embodiment, mediation and thinking through design?
Skinner, B.F. (1948). Walden Two. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
Skinner, B.F. (1986). Some Thoughts about the future. In: Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior. Boston, Mass.: Harvard University. p 229-235
Zurich outdoors
Topics : attunement, situated knowledge, situated interaction…
Th. Morton, “Attune” in Cohen, J.J. and Lowell D.. Veer Ecology: A Companion for Environmental Thinking. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. Project MUSE
ed. M. Kuzmanovic and N. Gaffney, Dust & Shadow Reader #2, FoAM, 2019.
R. Kirschner and K. Franinović, ”Interacting in Entangled Environments” in Not at Your Service: Design Manifestos, Eds. B. Franke and H. Matter, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2020.
Take a walk through the city of Zurich and develop new ways of observation. A set of sensing and sketching exercises can provide an in-depth understanding of urban space, its infrastructures and interactions, and thus is the basis for a multisensory and people-centered design.
Exercise 1. Sound Postcards
The groups of four to five participants walk to an urban area chosen by the group. At the location, they close their eyes and listen to their surroundings for five minutes. The leader of the group keeps the time and the security of the others in the group. After the silent and blinded observation, each person creates a visual representation of sounds and soundscape they heard in an A5 format (or a notebook page). After approximately five to ten minutes, the participants share their visual annotations and describe what they have perceived.
Exercise 2. Awareness
Focus visually on one thing in the environment and stay with it for 5 minutes. Don’t move your eyes to other things in your surroundings. Sketch and write down what you saw and felt.
Exercise 3. Relations
Look at all the other things in the environment and see how they related to your thing from the previous exercise. Draw at least 3-5 relations and describe how they relate to the thing you were focusing on.
Session 4: Ecological Thinking / Interaction : Theory in the Field
28. September 2020.
time: 13.00am - 17.00pm
location: Zurich outdoors
Topics : affordances, embodiment, enactive interaction…
Gibson, J.J. (1986). The Theory of Affordances. In Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.
GibsonJ-The-Theory-of-Affordances.pdfNakamura, J., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2009).The concept of flow. In Snyder, C. R., & Lopez, S. J. (Ed.). Oxford handbook of positive psychology. Oxford University Press, USA. 89-105
Session 10: Essay topic / motivation / structure presentation
short stories and fictions about the everyday life of tomorrow.
Noë, A. (2010). Du bist nicht Dein Gehirn. Eine radikale Philosophie des Bewusstseins. München: Piper Verlag, München. Noe_DubistnichtdeinGehirn.pdf
Exercise 4. Sensorial Ecologies
Move through an urban area and observe how its elements interact between each other.
Sketch and describe sensorial ecologies :
soundscape of the area
lightscape of the area
microclimate of the area (temperature/humidity/smells…)
Describe how you (or another single person) interact with those ecologies.
Exercise 5. Social Ecologies
Observe an area and how people interact with their surroundings and each other.
Develop and describe its social ecologies through:
Flow map (movement of people in space, grouping, body positions).
Attractor map: Describe and sketch social attractors (where/how people can isolate? where/how do people gather? for how long? why?) Describe and sketch spatial attractors (what attracts people and what rejects them?)
Session 5: Inter-Action
5. October 2020.
time: 10.30am 30 - 12.30pm30
location: seminar room 4.T31
We discuss concepts such as "embodiment", "mind-body dualism", "education", "affordance", "affect", and take
Session 11: What is Interaction Design? Essay presentations
Topics : digital, analog, digitalisation, inter-action
Franinovic, K. ”Inter-Action/Inter-Acting” in Handbuch Künstlerische Forschung, Ed. J. Badura, A. Haarmann and S. Dubach. Diaphanes, 2015.
Session 6: What is the meaning of „active“ in living beings and materials?
9. October 2020.
time: 1011.30am - 12.30pm00am - 13:30
location: Zoom
We discuss concepts such as "embodiment", "mind-body dualism", "education", "affordance", "affect", and take
Session 12: You - Interaction Designer
14. December 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom
Individual discussion and feedback
Panel: Khashayar Rhazghandi, Michael Hirschbichler, Karmen Franinovic, Andreas Gehrlach
Coworking Materials conference, Linz
Topics : action, active materials, intentionality, meshwork
Session 7: Otherness
12. October 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
What means consciousness? How do we think, what a personified experience is and how can we maneuver between atomism and holistic world experience? What is certain, is Bruno Labour: "As soon as theory has performed its analytical section and the sound of the breaking bones is heard, it is no longer possible to explain how we are to construct and how to live. Then there is only an attempt to subdue subjects and objects, words, and the world, society, nature, mind, and matter, all of which are mere shards, which are made to prevent any harmony."
Questions: What means thinking, consciousness, control, human experience and responsibilty?
Noë, A. (2010). Du bist nicht Dein Gehirn. Eine radikale Philosophie des Bewusstseins. München: Piper Verlag, München.
Latour, B. (1999). Pandora's Hope: An Essay on the Reality of Science Studies. Boston, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
time: 10.30 Zoom
Questions: posthuman, gender, intra-action, new materialism, active materials
Ed. Coole, D. and Frost, S. “Introducing the New Materialism” in New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics. Durham and London: Duke University Press. 2010. pp. 1-43.
Kleinman, A. “Intra-Actions” interview with Karen Barad, Mousse 34, 2012.
Franinovic, K. ”Thinking Active Materials : Actively Thinking Materials” in Raw Flows: Fluid Mattering in Arts and Research, Ed. R. Kirschner, De Gruyter, 2017. pp. 124-143.
Session 8: Complexity
19. October 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
What happens, if relationships between people change and what might this be related to technology? We are trying to develop an idea about what we call the social, about networks and the role of design.
Questions: What means social, frameworks, economies, cyber culture, surveillance?
Elias, N. (1987/1991). Wandlungen der Wir-Ich_Balance. In: Die Gesellschaft der Individuen. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch, S. 209 - 226.
Hardin, G. (1968). The Tragedy of the Commons. Science 162 (3859): 1243–1248.
Sassen, S. (2001) Die Rolle der neuen Technologien . Freies, informelles Wissen und wozu es befähigt. In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 2/2011.
Part II: Writing Practice
Topics: acting, leveraging, ecosystems, biosphere, sustainability
Meadows, D. Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System, Hartland: The Sustainability Inst. 1999.
K. Franinović and R. Kirschner, “Microbiospherians: Leveraging Microbes in Biosphere 2”, Journal of Performance Research, Vol. 25, No. 3: „On Microperformativity“ Routledge, 2020.
Session 9: Life-Centred Design
9. November 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31We will be mapping our Alchemic Journey and furthermore investigate into academic writing.
Papanek, V. (1971). Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change. New York: Pantheon Books.
03_Energy-harvesting & Self-Actuated Textiles for the home- Designing with New Materials & Technologies.pdf
Topics: Life-Centred Design, Transitional Design, Planet-Centred Design
Jane Fulton Suri, The Future is Life-Centred
Session 10: Essay topic / motivation / structure
16. November 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Seminarraum 4.T31
We will write about the experience of what has happened or what might become real in the future through individual scopes. We will investigate towards approaches, questions and points of interest to our future field of activity.
Fisher, W. R. (1987). Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value, and Action. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press.
Essay writing (ca. 5 Seiten) Abgabe 15. Dezember auf IAD server
Einstiegswelt: Intro der Umgebung und Einstieg in das Geschehen (Alltag)
Trigger: Was kann passieren, was ausserhalb der Kontrolle vom Protagonist sein kann? _3. Suche: Wie kann die neue Existenz gelebt werden? (positiv oder negativ?)
Unerwartete Events: Können nun positiv und negativ sein (Dinge, Hindernisse, andere Charaktere (Helfer,..))
Konflikt/Entscheidung - Welcher Pfad wird gewählt?
: Zoom
Essay topic: What is interaction design?
Through the course, we have seen many topics and approaches to designing interactions, both digital and analogue. Pick up one of these approaches or topics and develop it through your own questions and ideas. Chose at least one project that exemplifies the approach or topic you have chosen and discuss how theoretical positions and questions have been developed in further through practice.
Essay writing (3-5 Pages)
What is the topic/issue/phenomenon that you aim to investigate?Is it a problem that you want to solve or an opportunity that presents itself?
What research questions could you ask or what statements could you make?
What methods would you use to to answer the questions or prove your hypothesis?
What is your motivation for investigating this topic?
Session 11: What is Interaction Design? Essay presentations
7. December 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom
Session 12: Exam / Feedback
14. December 2020.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom
Individual discussion and feedback
Grades will be based on the oral and written presentations and on class participation. Contributing to constructive group feedback is an essential aspect of class participation. Regular attendance is required. Two or more unexcused absences will affect the final grade. Arriving late on more than one occasion will also affect the grade.
Class participation 30%
Presentation Short Stories 30%
Final Assignment 40%40%
Essay / Exam 60%
Any assignment that remains unfulfilled receives a failing grade.