Fall semester 2018/19
Production Week (1st / 3rd semesters) - Reading Week (5th semester)
(Theory Monday to be held as usual, no practical studio courses).The time available should be used for advancing a production for the current course or for reading relevant literature.
20. - 23.11.2018
Alumni seminar
Afternoon meet & great with IAD alumni talking about their jobs. Apéro in the evening.
1st Semester
Welcome Intro session
01. - 13.11.18,
and other dates
3rd Semester
5th Semester
Spring semester 2018
Reading week
(Theory Monday to be held as usual, no practical studio courses). Documentations of current courses should be updated. The time available should also be used to read relevant literature.
2nd Semester
Z-Module (transdisziplinary)
Praxismodule interdisziplinary
4th Semester
6th Semester