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Dr. Joëlle Bitton / Verena Ziegler
Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinovic / Luke Franzke
Prof. Jürgen Spath / Clemens Winkler



23 May 2019, 09,00 - 18.00, Room 4.E08

  • Thesis Colloquium 
    Each student meets the main mentors together for a 20-minutes session. The student explain briefly what their findings are (max. 5 min) and then we have a discussion (mentors ask questions) about the work and the process (15 min).


  • Exhibition Vernissage 

11 June 2019, 09.00 -1211.00 30 exhibition space

  • Practice session for BA Finals

12 June 2019, 0910.00 - 1615.0030, exhibition space 

  • BA Finals 
  • Mentors and Jury discussion (room 4D11, 1615.00 30 - 1918.0030, time tbc)

13 June 2019: 09.00 - 16.00, room 4.E08


  • Führung Kollegium Propädeutikum

19 June 2019: 16.0030-18.00

  • Führung für Lehrpersonen und Berufsberatungen

20 June 2019:  12.00 

  • ZHdK interne Führung

21 June 2019: (room/time tbd)


11.00 MA /14.00 BA

  • Diplomfeier Design 2019

