Reading week
(Theorie Montag findet wie gewohnt statt, es finden keine praktischen
Studiokurse statt). Dokumentationen laufender Kurse sollen auf aktuellen Stand gebracht werden und Zeit genutzt werden, relevante Literatur zu lesen.
Bei DMU Infotag am 21.11.16 entfallen die gesamten Theorie Veranstaltungen für diesen Tag.
26.12.16 - 08.01.17
13.02. - 19-02.17
Reading week
(Theorie Montag findet wie gewohnt statt, es finden keine praktischen
Studiokurse statt). Dokumentationen laufender Kurse sollen auf aktuellen Stand gebracht werden und Zeit genutzt werden, relevante Literatur zu lesen.
Bei DMU Infotag am 21.11.16 entfallen die gesamten Theorie Veranstaltungen für diesen Tag.
Fall semester 2018/19
Fall Semester (HS) 2018/19 | 17.09.2018 - 18.01.2019 |
Welcome lunch for all, semester overviews and Intro session (1st semester) | 17. - 18.09.2018 |
Production Week (1st / 3rd semesters) - Reading Week (5th semester) (Theory Monday to be held as usual, no practical studio courses).The time available should be used for advancing a production for the current course or for reading relevant literature. | 20. - 23.11.2018 |
Infotag | 23.11.2018 |
Alumni seminar Afternoon meet & great with IAD alumni talking about their jobs. Apéro in the evening. | 29.11.2018 |
Holidays | |
Knabenschiessen (This is only relevant for people who have applied for the Blockwoche Theory. Please clarify with your lecturers whether you have the Monday off or not.) | 10.09.18 |
Winter Break | 22.12.18 - 06.01.19 |
Fall Semester End | 19.01.19 |
1st Semester
Date | Course/Module | Room |
17.09.18 | Welcome Day | 4.K22 and others |
18.09.18 (morning) | Welcome Intro session | 5.T04 |
18.09. - 12.10.18 | Object Experience | |
20.09. - 18.12.18 | Bits and Atoms I | |
24.09. - 10.12.18 | Theorie 1: Solve et Coagula | |
16. - 31.10.18, and other dates | Sound/Video Basics | |
01. - 13.11.18, | Programming Basics | |
14.11. - 21.12.18 | Graphic Design Basics | |
20. - 23.11.2018 | Production Week | |
29.11.18 | Alumni Seminar | 5.K04 (Kaskadenfoyer) / 5.T09 |
17.12.18 | IAD BA/MA Seminar | 5.T07 / 2.A05 (Viaduktraum) |
07. - 18.01.19 | Digital Fabrication |
3rd Semester
Date | Course/Module | Room |
03. - 07.09.18 | Blockwoche Theory | |
10. - 14.09.18 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) | |
17.09.18 | Welcome Lunch | 4.K22 |
27.09.18 | Semester Overview | |
18.09. - 05.10.18 | Soft architecture | |
27.09. - 28.11.18 | Bits and Atoms III | |
01.10. - 17.12.18 | Theorie 3: Aesthetics of Interaction | |
09.10. - 02.11.18 | Physical Computing | |
06. - 30.11.18 | Data Visualisation and Data Literacy | |
20. - 23.11.2018 | Production Week | |
29.11.18 | Alumni Seminar | 5.K04 (Kaskadenfoyer) / 5.T09 |
04. - 21.12.18 | Interdisciplinary IAD: Hacking Values | |
17.12.18 | IAD BA/MA Seminar | 5.T07 / 2.A05 (Viaduktraum) |
07. - 18.01.19 | Sonic Interaction |
5th Semester
Date | Course/Module | |
03. - 07.09.18 | Blockwoche Theory | |
10. - 14.09.18 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) | |
17.09.18 | Welcome Lunch | 4.K22 / 4.T07 (in the afternoon) |
17.09.18 | Semester Overview | |
18.09. - 19.10.18 | Embodied Interaction | |
24.09. - 10.12.18 | Theorie 5: Sweet Dreams Are Made of This | |
05.10. - 7.12.18 | Academic Writing Workshop | |
11. - 12.10.18 | Thesis free flow retreat | |
23.10. - 09.11.18 | Interdisciplinary IAD: Adaptive City | |
20. - 23.11.2018 | Reading Week | |
13.11. - 21.12.18 | Mobile User Interface | |
29.11.18 (morning) | Portfolio review | |
29.11.18 (afternoon) | Alumni seminar | 5.K04 (Kaskadenfoyer) / 5.T09 |
17.12.18 | IAD BA/MA Seminar | 5.T07 / 2.A05 (Viaduktraum) |
07.-18.01.19 | BA Concept Seminar |
Spring semester 2019
Spring Semester (FS) 2019 | 18.02.–07.06.19 |
Production Week (2nd semester) - Reading Week (4th semester) (Theory Monday to be held as usual, no practical studio courses).The time available should be used for advancing a production for the current course or for reading relevant literature. | 23.–26.04.19 |
Public holidays | |
Good Friday / Karfreitag | 19.04.19 |
Easter Monday / Ostermontag | 22.04.19 |
Sechseläuten | 08.04.19 |
Labour Day / Tag der Arbeit | 01.05. |
19 |
Ascension / Auffahrt |
30.05. |
19 |
Whit Monday / Pfingstmontag |
10.06.19 |
2nd Semester
Date | Course/Module |
04.02.–08.02.19 | Blockwoche Theory |
11.02.–15.02.19 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
18.02.19 | Semester overview meeting |
19.02.–22.03.19 | Praxismodule interdisciplinary |
25.02.–03.06.19, and other dates | Theory 2: Interaction Design Methods |
25.03.19 | Designsymposium (mandatory) |
26.03.-03.05.19 | IAD Process |
07.05.-07.06.19 | Basic GUI |
4th Semester
Date | Course/Module |
04.02.–08.02.19 | Blockwoche Theory |
11.02.–15.02.19 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
18.02.19 | Semester overview meeting |
18.02–06.05.19 | Theory 4: If only: design, technology and society |
19.02.–22.03.19 | Spatial Interaction |
25.03.19 | Designsymposium (mandatory) |
26.03.–18.04.19 | Interdisciplinary module |
30.04.–07.06.19 | Service Design |
tbd | Brief BA Thesis year overview |
6th Semester
Date | Course/Module |
21.–25.01.19 | Excursion |
11.02.–15.02.19 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
25.03.19 | Designsymposium (mandatory) |
18.02.–25.06.19 | BA-thesis |
06.06.19 | Diploma Vernissage |