Oulasvirta, A., Kurvinen, E., & Kankainen, T. (2003). Understanding contexts by being there: case studies in bodystorming. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 7:2. 125-134.
Week 11 - 2216.05.2017 Re: Evaluation
What does it mean to evaluate a work, what are the tools, how is a project fitting its intentions? Is evaluation even necessary in the context of design?
***Assignment: Submit your Final paper*** Deadline update: 1st of June 2017.
Ackermann, Edith K. 2016. “Learning to Code: What is it? What’s In It For The Kids?— A Tribute to Seymour Papert". Trans. version from publication in Tecnologie didattiche (TD 27-2002).
Moriwaki, Katherine & Brucker-Cohen, J. 2006. “Lessons from the scrapyard: creative uses of found materials within a workshop setting”. In AI & Society. 20:4. 506-525.
Aurelian Ammon
blog.aurelian.duckdns.orgAdrienn Bodor
https://medium.com/journal-of-an-interaction-design-studentTobias Dupuch
https://tobiasdupuch.github.io/interactiondesignKatharina Durrer
https://katharinadurrer.wordpress.com/Alessa Gassmann
alessagassmann.wordpress.comAndrin Gorgi
blog.andringorgi.chDaniel Edoardo Holler
danielhollerjournal.tumblr.comTobias Jud
https://iadtoby.wordpress.com/Jérôme Krüsi
https://designmethodologie.wordpress.comVinzenz Leutenegger
http://znezniv.github.ioManuel Leuthold
https://medium.com/@manu.leuthold- Ismael Möri
Carlo Natter
http://carlonatter.ch/blogSchaën Reinhart
http://shinezhdk.tumblr.com/Michael Schönenberger
log.michaelschoenenberger.ch- Ju Young Yi