Week 1 Into the Wild! | Monday 17.03 | Tuesday 18.03 | Wednesday 19.03 | Thursday 20.03 | Friday 21.03 |
Morning (starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)
| - 9.00-10.30 Theory class: Design/Undesign Perspectives & Biases
+ Overview of the IAD Process topic & scope (jb)
- Introduction about the module, Note on Documentation
| Discussion observations
- Exercise, part 1: topic and group building (answering questions & themes emerging)
(jb, nf)
- Exercise, part 2: topic and group building (clustering by themes)
(jb, nf)
NF is teaching Master
jb: i will look into that - THANKS | - Input
Ethnographic study & Sense Making (nf)
- First unedited results (sound, photos, videos, observations) (jb, nf)
Field Research Suggestion to move presentation from afternoon to morning or on Monday, that I can join SD jb: that would be too difficult to do it monday (bits&atoms + theory) and too soon on the morning for the 1st week - they need more time
| Field Research
Afternoon (starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)
| - Assignment quick observation - post on Miro
| Going back to the Field
| Going back to Field | - 14.00 Group presentations: Inspirations and Field Research (First impressions of 2-3 iterations, narrative over 1.5 days, questions/reflections that drove your choices for the field study) 5-7mn/group
(jb, nf) - Florian moved the other presentation
- Expectations for the following week
| Independent study |
Week 2 Idea Transfers | Monday 24.03
(Bits & Atoms)
| Tuesday 25.03 | Wednesday 26.03 | Thursday 27.03 | Friday 28.03 |
Morning (starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)
| Field Research & Desk-based Research (Related work, References)
| Field Research & Desk-based Research (Related work, References) | Field Research & Desk-based Research (Related work, References) |
Afternoon (starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)
| - 13.00-14.30
Theory class: Experience and the "user"
15.00-15.30 Process class Exercise: Very rapid prototyping (jb)
- 15.30 Group Presentations:
mock-ups (jb)
| - Input "Narrowing Down" (nf)
- Mentorings per Group (30 Min) (nf)
| Field Research & Desk-based Research (Related work, References) | Check-in by groups: Advanced concept: Related Work/Inspirations, Further field research, Directions and Prototype 1.0 (jb, nf) | Independent study |
Week 3 Play | Monday 31.3
(Bits & Atoms) | Tuesday 1.4 | Wednesday 2.4 | Thursday 3.04 | Friday 4.4
Morning (starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)
| - 10.00 Present Exercise:
Prototyping ideas with Performance enactment / Bodystorming (jb)
- quick catch up per group in atelier or class (jb)
| Independent Study
| Independent Study
(starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)
| - 13.00-14.30
Theory class: Prototyping concepts, prototyping everything
Exercise: Prototyping with Bodystorming in the field: follow/observe situation in the field (outside Toni)
| Independent Study | - tbc: on request: quick catch up (zoom tbc) (jb)
| Demoes on location (all groups together): Prototypes demoes in situation (jb, nf) |
Week 4 Stories and Users | Monday 7.4 | Tuesday 8.4 | Wednesday 9.4 | Thursday 10.4 | Friday 11.4 |
Morning (starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)
| bits atoms? -
9.30-11.00 Theory class: Storytelling as a Prototype (jb)
| Workshop/Input Storytelling & Storyboards (nf)
| Independent Study | 10.30 Check-In by groups: Video showcase: Narratives showcasing prototypes in action (nf, jb) |
Afternoon (starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)
| 14:00-17:00 Mentoring Storyboard (nf) | Independent Study: Start final production | Independent Study |
Week 5 Production | Monday 14.04 | Tuesday 15.04 | Wednesday 16.04 | Thursday 17.04 | Friday 18.04
Morning (starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)
| - 9.30-11.00
Theory class: Evaluating Outcomes (with participants) (jb)
| Production
| Production
Editing Mentoring: (nf)
| Production
Afternoon (starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)
| Editing Mentoring: (nf) I would move that mentoring to Wed. >>jb: it wouldn't make sense to have the editing mentoring the day right before the final day or what do you think? wednesday morning?
I would do ship it to Wed. afternoon - bevor the do not have a raw cut. | *Booking photo studio Deadline
- Atelier/walk-thru /Mentoring (jb)
| - Final Group presentations - choose location