Das The "Open Sound Control" Protokoll würde speziell für die Kontrolle von Multimedia Installationen in einem lokalen Netzwerk entwickelt.
Processing Beispiel
Wenn Werte von Processing aus an weitere Applikationen (z.B. Max MSP) übergeben werden sollen, oder wenn in Processing Werte aus diesen Programmen empfangen werden sollen, verwenden wir die protocol is specifically designed to control multimedia installations in a local area network or over the internet. OSC was original designed to for the data to transported local and over the internet via UDP, but it some software is setup to use OSC over alternative communication protocols.
Due to its popularity, OSC is often the easiest way to get two or more applications, computers or devices to talk to each other.
- OSCulator - Routing Application for OSX.
- TouchOSC - OSC Interfaces for iPad und iPhone.
- Resolume - VJ Software with built in OSC interface
Processing Examples
If values are to be passed from Processing to other applications (e.g. Max MSP) or if values from these programs are to be received in Processing, we can use the Processing Library oscP5 (http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/oscP5/ ). Diese muss ebenfalls heruntergeladen werden und dann im library Ordner von Processing platziert werden.Um Werte nun per OSC an einen anderen Computer zu versenden müssen wir zunächst die Library initialisierenThis must also be downloaded and then placed in the library folder of Processing.
In order to send values to another computer via OSC, we must first import the library:
Code Block |
import oscP5.*; // oscP5 Library importierenimport import netP5.*; // netP5 Library importierenimport OscP5 oscP5; // Define Kontrollobjektosc anlegenobject NetAddress remoteLocation; // Zieladresse anlegen |
Define goal address |
In the next step we initialise the library and set the target address:
Code Block |
void setup() { oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 12000); // LibraryStart the startenlibrary undand aufwait Portfor 12000incoming aufmessages eingehendeon Nachrichtenport warten12000 remoteLocation = new NetAddress("", 12000); // DieThe IP Adresseaddress sowieand derport Portof desthe Empfängerrecipient } |
Nun müssen wir nur noch Nachrichten erstellen und diese and die Zieladresse schickenNow all we have to do is create messages and send them to the destination address:
Code Block |
void mousePressed() { OscMessage msg = new OscMessage("/test"); // Neuenew Nachricht mitmessage "/test" als Adress-Musteras Adresse pattern msg.add(123); // send Einfachea Zahlsimple anhängenvalue oscP5.send(msg, remoteLocation); // SendenSend the dermessage Nachricht } |
Um Nachrichten zu empfangen können wir folgenden Code hinzufügenTo receive messages we can add the following code:
Code Block |
void oscEvent(OscMessage msg) { println("### Neuenew Nachrichtmessage"); println("AddrPattern: " + msg.addrPattern()); // Output of Ausgebenthe desaddress Adress-Musterpattern println("TypeTag: " + msg.typetag()); // Output of Ausgebenthe des Type-Tag // Adress-Muster überprüfenAdresse pattern test if(msg.addrPattern().equals("/test")) { // MitgesendeteOutput the Zahlnumber ausgebensent println(msg.get(0).intValue()); } } |
P5js Examples
Currently it's not possible to use UDP communication from javascript running in the browser. However, we can use websockets.
First download the OSC browser library and added it script import to the document head in your index.html.
Code Block | ||
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../osc.min.js"></script> |
In your p5j sketch, add the following code:
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const port = 8025;
const osc = new OSC();
setup() {
// setup OSC receiver
osc.on('/text', msg => {
try {
catch (e) {
console.log("Could not connect: " + e);
function handleMessage(msg) {
console.log((msg.args[0]); // print the 1st message item out to console
console.log((msg.args[1]); // print the 2nd message item out to console
OSC can also be used on Arduino. Just make sure you're wifi (or ethernet) connected Arduino device is on the same network as your receiver/sender application. This example is complatable with the Arduino Uno Wifi, and the MKR1010 IOT.
Code Block | ||
| ||
#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFiNINA.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <OSCMessage.h>
// WiFi stuff
const char* ssid = "Your Router";
const char* pwd = "Your password";
WiFiUDP Udp; // instance of UDP library
const int remotePort = 8000; // port to which you want to send
//fill in the IP address you want to send to:
char remoteAddress[] = ""; // you will need to enter the IP address of the router here.
void setup() {
// while you're not connected to a WiFi AP,
while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Attempting to connect to Network named: ");
Serial.println (ssid); // print the network name (SSID)
WiFi.begin(ssid, pwd); // try to connect
// When you're connected, print out the device's network status:
IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
Serial.print("IP Address: ");
void loop() {
int sensor = analogRead(A0);
//the message wants an OSC address as first argument
OSCMessage msg("/sensor/");
Udp.beginPacket(remoteAddress, remotePort);
msg.send(Udp); // send the bytes to the SLIP stream
Udp.endPacket(); // mark the end of the OSC Packet
msg.empty(); // free space occupied by message
} |