- GitHub also provides desktop applications that abstract the command line only git program.
- It also offers a nice educational package for students that involves also other tools.
- There is an online tutorial for beginners that want to learn git.
- Other video tutorials can be found here.
Key Git Terminology
Repository - A directory that stores all the files, folders of a project.
Master - The primary branch of all repositories.
Commit - The action of storing a new snapshot of the project’s state in the Git history.
Fork - Creates a copy of a repository.
Branch - A version of the repository that diverges from the master of the project.
Push - Updates a remote repository with the commits made to the repository.
Fetch - Download and copy remote repository files to your workstation.
Pull request - A request to merge your branch with a master branch. The repo maintainers can review and merge the branch into master.
gitignore - A file the specifies files or files types that should be ignored in commits