This course is about building a basic understanding of graphical user interfaces and a basic expertise in building such interfaces with web technologies.
In several inputs, we will look into the history of the Internet, basic concepts, languages and frameworks for building web interfaces.
To not waste any time in building useless interfaces, we will build right from the beginning a web portfolio.
1. The Web (8.4)
- History of the Internet
- How the Web works.
- Basic Introduction to HTML and CSS.
- Install the Atom Code Editor.
- Start with writing some HTML for your Portfolio.
2. Building Layouts (15.4)
- Advanced Introduction to HTML and CSS.
3. Adding Logic (29.4)
- Basic Introduction to JavaScript.
- Working with jQuery.
4. Advanced Techniques (13.5)
- CSS3 Animations
X. Prototyping Tools (17.5)
Gäste einladen?
5. Deployment (20.5)
- FTP, @zhdk, Hostpoint, ...?
7. Mentoring (27.5)
Project based mentoring in the atelier.
8. Mentoring (3.6)
Project based mentoring in the atelier.