Fall 2024
Lecturer: Dr Roman Kirschner
The class usually takes place on Mondays, from 15.00-16.45, (with exceptions during the parallel seminar Soft Architecture!). Classes 4-11 take place on Zoom. In each session 4-5 students will give a presentation: usually two based on readings and two based on art and design projects. Each presentation is followed by a discussion and/or an in-class assignment. After each of the two parts connected to Soft Architecture and Interactive Visualisation, an exam will be held.
Grades will be based on the oral and written presentations, on class participation and on the final exam. Contributing to constructive group feedback is an essential aspect of class participation. Regular attendance is required.
Readings-based presentation 25%
Projects-based presentation 15%
Class participation 20%
Final exams 40% (part 1: 25%, part 2: 15%)
Oral presentations
Students must independently prepare lectures on selected texts of the week. These can be presented in different formats.
Possible presentation formats are:
Classic Slides presentation
Live sketching
Demo with prototyping
The reading-based presentation must include a 2-pages written discussion, made available to the class and instructor via EMAIL three days prior to the day of the class to ensure a general discussion!
The paper should include title, author, date, context, summary, bibliography.
Additional sources can be added to inform the discussion if necessary.
The reading-based presentation should include answers to these questions: who are the authors? where do they work? what concepts do they propose? what year was the document published? what was the context at the time of publication? what are other contemporary theorists and practitioners perspectives on the authors proposal? what influence did the proposal have? what was your research process to go over your findings? how can you apply the proposed ideas in your design work or others' design work? how can you challenge the ideas presented? - The presentation should be 15 minutes.
The project-based presentation should include at least 5 projects illustrating each topic, that are gender-balanced, from various countries of origin. Projects can be taken in design, art, ethnography, science and other disciplines. What 'taxonomy' can you provide to categorize the 5+ projects? How these 5+ projects help get a sense of the field that you're presenting? How do they relate to the topic of the week and the readings of that week? - The presentation should be 5 minutes.
All presentation materials (slides, handouts incl. 2-pages written discussion) have to be uploaded to the server (smb://fileredu.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/BDE_VIAD/01_ABGABEN/24_HS/Sem3_Aesthetics_of_Interaction) in the respective folders indicating the number of the class, the name of the class and your name.
There are two exams. One after the classes connected to Soft Architecture and one after the classes related to Data Visualization. Each exam is structured in two parts:
1) A multiple choice test about the content of the texts discussed in class.
2) A free theory-grounded argumentation about an overarching topic connected to the topics.
Readings for each session are made available on PAUL.
Additional readings can be proposed to underline a particular aspect and should be considered.
CALENDAR overview
Class 1 - 16.09. - Introduction (4.T09)
Class 2 - 25.09. - Material and Environmental Dynamics (4.T06)
Class 3 - 02.10. - Systems and Bodies (4.T06)
Class 4 - 07.10. - Anthropocene
Class 5 - 14.10. - Wavescapes
Class 6 - 21.10. - Services and Infrastructure
Class 7 - 28.10. - Exam part 1
Class 8 - 11.11. - Introduction to data and data literacy
Class 9 - 18.11. - Artificial Intelligence
Class 10 - 25.11. - Data, Democracy and Surveillance Capitalism
Class 11 - 02.12. - Exam part 2
DESCRIPTION of the TOPICS and texts of the individual CLASSES
Class 1 - 16.9., - Introduction (4.T09)
Introduction to the course, explanation and organisation of tasks/dates
Class 2 - 25.09., - Material and Environmental Dynamics (4.T06)
a) Pickering, Andrew (2013). "Being in an environment: a performative perspective". Natures Sciences Sociétés 21: 77-83.
b) Ingold, Tim. (2008). "Bringing Things to Life. Creative Entanglements in a World of Materials".
presented by XXX (Pickering), XXX (Ingold)
Project Topics:
- Sourcing materials
- Material-Environment Interactions
presented by XXX (SM) and XXX (MEI)
Class 3 - 02.10. - Systems and Bodies (4.T06)
a) Burnham, Jack (1969). "Systems and Art". In Arts in Society. 6:2. University of Wisconsin, Summer/Fall 1969. 194-204.
b) Hartmann, Klemmer, Takayama (2006). "How Bodies Matter: Five Themes for Interaction Design". In DIS 2006.
presented by XXX (Burnham) and XXX (Klemmer)
Project Topics:
- Multisensory experiences, Haptics and Space
- Sensing through scales (micro-meso-macro)
presented by XXX (MEHS) and XXX (STS)
Class 4 - 07.10. - Anthropocene
a) Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2018). "Planetary Crises and the Difficulty of Being Modern". Millennium: Journal of International Studies: 1–24.
b) Internet and Energy:
I) Gombiner, Joel (2011). "Carbon Footprinting the Internet.“ In Consilience: "The Journal of Sustainable Development“ 5: 119-124.
II) Andreu, Javier F. et al. (2022). "Big data on a dead planet. The digital transition's neglected environmental impacts."
presented by XXX (Chakrabarty) and XXX (Gombiner + Andreu)
Project Topics:
- Energy low design
- Anthropocene in art & design
presented by XXX (ELD) and XXX (AAD)
Class 5 - 14.10. - Wavescapes
a) Hosokawa, Shuhei (1984). "The Walkman Effect". In Popular Music. 4. Performers and Audiences. 165-180.
b) Franinovic, Karmen and Salter, Christopher (2013). "The experience of Sonic Interaction". In Franinovic and Serafin: Sonic Interaction Design. 39-75.
presented by XXX (Hosokawa) and XXX (Franinovic et al.)
Project Topics:
- Sound Art/Design
- Device Art
- Sound and Ecologies
presented by XXX (SA/D), XXX (DA) and XXX (S&Eco)
Class 6 - 21.10. - Services and Infrastructure
a) Starosielski, Nicole (2012). "Warning: Do Not Dig: Negotiating the Visibility of Critical Infrastructures." Journal of Visual Culture. 11(1): 38–57.
b) Klinenberg, Eric (2018). "Palaces for the people". Crown: New York, USA. 184-197.
presented by XXX (Starosielski) and XXX (Klinenberg)
Project Topics:
- Speculative service design
- Biological services
presented by XXX (SSD), XXX (BS)
Class 7 - 28.10. - Exam part 1
Class 8 - 11.11. - Introduction to data and data literacy
a) Economist (2017). "The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data". The Economist: New York, NY, USA.
b) Barrowman, Nick (2018). "Why data is never raw". The New Atlantis, Summer/Fall edition: 129-135.
presented by XXX (Economist) XXX (Barrowman)
Project Topics:
- information art (historical & latest)
- creative tracking
- boundaries of data worlds
presented by XXX (Information Art), XXX (CT), XXX (BDW)
Class 9 - 18.11. - Artificial Intelligence
a) Russell, Stuart and Nerving Peter. "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", 4th ed. Extract from Introduction and conclusion. (covered by 2 students: create discussion!)
b) Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin of the Institute of Humane Technology: "The AI dilemma". Youtube video of lecture in San Francisco on March 9th, 2023. (create discussion!)
presented by XXX + XXX (Russel) XXX (Harris & Raskin)
Project Topics:
- designing with AI
- AI & environment
presented by XXX (designing with AI), XXX (AI & environment)
Class 10 - 25.11. - Data, Democracy and Surveillance Capitalism
a) Zuboff, Shoshana (2015) "Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization". Journal of Information Technology 30: 75–89.
b) Ryser, Daniel and Sprenger, Ramona (2023) "Do not feed the google", news report in 10 parts on republik.ch (covered by 2 students - 2 parts of your choice each: create discussion!)
presented by XXX (Zuboff), XXX + XXX (Ryser/Sprenger)
Project Topics:
- social media interventions/hacks/hoaxes
- citizen activism using digital platforms
presented by XXX (interventions), XXX (activism)
Class 11 - 02.12. - Exam part 2