You may not use all of those commands for getting your model ready for the further steps with Grasshopper. On the other hand, there are other difficulties and ways of reaching your goal. If you need an other Rhino command regarding meshes, please visit this site.
- Import
- Use the Import command for importing your 3D scan (.stl file) into Rhino.
- Hint: If you can't see anything after importing, check the Zoom extents button in the tool bar.
- MeshSplit
- You need a surface to cut a mesh. Use the Surface command to do this.
The MeshSplit command divides meshes into parts with another object, in this case your surface.
- ReduceMesh
- If you haven't scanned an object but downloaded a high res 3d object / mesh, you can simplify this. You'll need this later when working with Grasshopper.
The ReduceMesh command decreases the polygon mesh face count while minimizing geometric and texture distortion.
- ShowEdges
- To make edges respectively holes visible, use the ShowEdges command.
- To make edges respectively holes visible, use the ShowEdges command.
- MatchMeshEdge
The MatchMeshEdge command moves face edges of an open mesh to meet adjacent face edges.
- Check
- …
- If still holes, use Explode.
- …
- Explode
- …
- …
- FillMeshHoles
- If you have openings in your mesh which you'd like to close, use the FillMeshHole command.
- If you have openings in your mesh which you'd like to close, use the FillMeshHole command.
- MeshToNURB
- …