The Programming Basics course introduces programming for design and visually oriented programming. The content of the course is transferable to many academic and professional aspects of Interaction Design, not only in programming directly, but in understanding and communicating on digital topics. Part 1 of the course develops basic coding skills and covers object-oriented programming with processing (java). Students apply their newly learnt skills by developing a game based on a supplied template.
In Part 2 of the course, students develop their skills further by focusing on graphics and visual possibilities with code. Part 2 of the course runs simultaneously with Graphic Design Basics so that the student's work can be informed with a greater visual sensibility.
The course tutorials can be found here: programming
Game and Presentation - Presentation of your final game
Documentation - Documentation of your work in the provided template together with your code. This should be placed on the server in filer.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/VIAD/01_ABGABEN/19_HS/Sem1_ProgrammingBasics
80% Attendance during lessons
https://processing.org/reference/ : The reference page for Coding in Processing
The Nature of Code : A comprehensive free ebook on visual coding from Daniel Schifman
https://www.openprocessing.org/: A community-based website for sharing creative coding examples
https://p5js.org: A javascript library based on processing style coding.
You can use the following example as a template for building your own game.....
Template 2019
At a minim your final game should include:
- A concept and a visual theme
- Original graphics
- Appropriate start, play and game-over screens
Part 1: Creating a game.
31.10.2019 - 4k.15 | Morning: Kick-off: How computers think Afternoon: Input |
01.11.2019 - 4k.15 | Input |
07.11.2019 - 4k.15 | Input |
08.11.2019 - 4k.15 | Input |
14.11.2019 - 4k.15 | Input |
15.11.2019 - 4k.15 | Input |
20.11.2019 - 4k.15 | Game Project |
21.11.2019 - 4k.15 | Game Project |
22.11.2019 - 4k.15 | Game Project |
26.11.2019 - 4k.15 (13:00 - 17:00) | End Presentation |
Part 2: Visual Programming
03.12.2019 - 4k.15 (13:00 - 17:00) | Visual Programming input |
10.12.2019 - 4k.15 (13:00 - 17:00) | Visual Programming input |