MA Thesis Development 1
Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinovic, MA Stella Speziali, Dr. Roman Kirschner (writing workshop), MA Verena Ziegler (background and structure workshop), Mentors and Guests
Learning objectives
The module aims to define the individual master project to a stage of a first draft of the written thesis and explorations of the design artefact.
The thesis project lasts for three semesters and will reach its final form in the third semester. It includes a theoretical component (written thesis), a practical component (design artefact) and the presentation of both in an exhibition.
The Thesis Development 1 module in the first semester focuses on defining the master project in terms of topic, scope and approach. This includes literature and project reviews, empirical work and design explorations. The result of the first semester is a first draft of the written thesis as well as first explorations for the design artefact.
Each students will be assigned a personal mentor for the thesis project who can be consulted for mentoring sessions throughout the semester. The mentors will guide the projects and students closely and will help the students to develop their individual projects further, formulate research questions as well as suitable methodologies and approaches.
See Semester schedule for class topics and workshops (writing, mapping, contextualising).
Most meetings take place online, except for Final colloquium on 9.6.22. and possibly some workshops.
Thesis structure
Generally, the parts in bold are the ones that should be filled in by the end of 1st semester:
Research questions
Methodology and methods
Aims and objectives
Background (preliminary)
Context of Investigation
Theoretical/Epistemological framework
Projects and Case Studies
Context Research
Field research
Prototype / Produkt / Installation (draft)
First Prototype
Following prototypes
Evaluation of Interactive Experience
Conclusion and Future Steps
The document should have 1/3 of the length of the final written thesis (min 6'000, final length 75'000 –150'000 characters). The written part may change depending on the work in the 2nd and 3rd semesters.
Prüfungsreglement 1. Semester | DE
Examination Regulations 1st Semester | EN Translation
Deadline and Deliverables
Thursday 09.06.2022
Upload location on the file server: DDE > MDE_VIA > MA22_Thesis_Projects
The disposition should have a length of 6000 characters and should argumentatively discuss: (1) the context and field of investigation, (2) the resulting research questions and theses, (3) the theoretical and epistemological frameworks, methodology and methods for the investigation, (4) the aims and objectives, (5) preliminary background research (eg. literature review, artworks, movies, etc.), (6) refections on preliminary empirical work (eg. design experiments, ethnographic observations, workshops, etc.). It should be accompanied by appropriate illustrations and a bibliography. The disposition can be written in German or English. Further details will be discussed in the module. The disposition has to be submitted as a PDF to the appropriate folder in your individual folders (smb:// by 16.06.2022.
Any empirical work (eg. design experiments, ethnographic observations, workshops, etc.) should be submitted as images or videos and should be reflected on in the disposition. All material has to be submitted to the appropriate folder in your individual folders (smb:// by 16.06.2022.
The abstract should have a length of 750 characters words should be written in both German and English. The abstract should be accompanied by an representative image (300dpi) that captures the thesis project. All material has to be submitted to the appropriate folder in your individual folders (smb:// by 16.06.2022.
The assessment criteria are:
Frequent and punctual attendance (min. 80%)
Active participation in the sessions
Development and presentation of the thesis project in the form of experiments, observations, etc.
Short disposition for the thesis project, abstract and representative image
The grading is A–F.
Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, 7th Edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007).
Nigel Warburton, The Basics of Essay Writing (London: Routledge, 2006).
Purdue Online Writing Lab,
Writing Tools
Mellel Word Processor,
Scrivener Writing Environment,
Bookends Reference Manager,
Zotero Reference Manager,
Mandaley Reference Manager,
The grading is A–F.