Thesis Development 2
Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinovic, Dr. Joëlle Bitton, Rasa Weber, Verena Ziegler, Max Rheiner, Duy Bui and Guests
Learning objectives
The module aims to develop the individual master project to a stage of an expanded draft of the written thesis and a prototype of the design artefact.
The thesis project lasts for three semesters and will reach its final form in the third semester. It includes a theoretical component (written thesis), a practical component (design artefact), and the presentation of both in an exhibition.
The Thesis Development 2 module in the second semester focuses on developing the master project through empirical work, design explorations, and prototyping. The result of the second semester is an expanded draft of the written thesis as well as prototypes of the design artefact which will be presented in a work-in-progress exhibition.
This module will be accompanied by individual mentoring with assigned mentors.
See the 2nd semester schedule. Most meetings take place physically.
Thesis structure
Generally, the parts in bold are the ones that should be filled in by the end of the 2nd semester:
Title page
Table of content
Research questions
Methodology and methods
Aims and objectives
Context of Investigation
Theoretical/Epistemological framework
Projects and Case Studies
Context Research
Field research
Prototype / Produkt / Installation (draft)
First Prototype
Following prototypes
Evaluation of Interactive Experience
Conclusion and Future Steps
The exact structure of the thesis is dependent on the individual project. Further details will be discussed in the module (sessions on thesis writing and individual mentoring). The thesis can be written in German or English.
The document should have 2/3 of the length of the final written thesis (first draft min 25'000 characters, second draft 50'000 characters, the final length 75'000 – 150'000 characters). The already written part may change depending on the work in 3rd semester.
Thursday 25.01.2024
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The deliverables at the end of the second semester consist of a total of five items, which are defined in detail as follows:
1. Current status of the written thesis > to be uploaded into folder "Thesis Theory"
Delivery of the current state of the theory thesis that allows for a meaningful assessment of successful completion of the thesis in the graduation semester. This includes:
- Cover sheet with the thesis title, author, mentors, specialization, profile A/B/C.
- Detailed table of contents with comprehensible outline and components of the thesis
- Comprehensive bibliography
- Substantial part of the main text: writing of at least 2/3 of all chapters or 2/3 of the required total number of characters (total number of characters = 75'000 to 150'000)
- Clear, defined thesis statement respectively from the thesis-derived research question and/or hypotheses that are aligned with the project content and objective.
- Description of the objectives and contribution of the research work: interest and relevance for the target group and the design discipline (What is new? Where is the innovation? Who is working on the same topic?)
- Explanation of the approach to the research and the choice of methods
- Description of the research conducted and interpretation of the findings
- Formulation of resulting design questions for further project work
2. Abstracts in German AND English (incl. picture) > to be uploaded into folder "Abstract"
Compact short description of the master project on max. one A4 page in German and English supplemented by a representative and meaningful project image.
- Abstract in German (750 characters incl. spaces; tolerance +/- 10%)
- Abstract in English (750 characters incl. spaces; tolerance +/- 10%)
- Meaningful image (300dpi)
3. Individual project plan for the 3rd semester > to be uploaded into folder "Schedule"
In a separate document, briefly describe the work planned for the third semester and submit an accompanying schedule (approx. 2-3 A4 pages)
- Short and concise project disposition for the 3rd semester (i.e. activities and work packages)
- Time schedule (i.e. temporal structuring of these activities)
4. Presentation > Final Colloquium / Work in Progress Exhibition
All students present the current status of their work by means of an exhibition on the occasion of the end-of-semester colloquium in the respective specialization.
- Formulation and explanation of the project status including main thesis and research question.
- Reflection on the previous research and development process as well as the methodological procedure
- Findings and conclusions so far
- In preparation for the diploma exhibition, the students present the current results within an exhibition. This exhibition should show sketches, models, prototypes, explanatory models, illustrations, etc.
- Assessment of the design and social relevance taking into account the chosen profile A/B/C
- Presentation of the interplay of the theory thesis with the design work
- Critical self-assessment "where do I stand now" - "where will I be at the end of the master’s degree program".
- Outlook and project planning until graduation
5. Insight into the research and design workbook > to be uploaded into the folder "Thesis Practice"
Documentation and systematic presentation of the individual development process in analogue and/or digital form.
- A structured overview of the process to this date; chronological order of the investigations carried out, experiments, drafts etc.
- Compilation as an analogue workbook and/or access to an adequate digital online format (e.g. blog)
More details about these deliverables can be found here in German & English.
The assessment criteria are:
- Frequent and punctual attendance (min. 80%),
- active participation in the sessions,
- development and presentation of the thesis project in the form of prototypes of the design artefact(s), etc. (50% of the grade),
- drafts of the written thesis, abstract and representative image (50% of the grade).
The grading is A–F.