Thesis Theory/Practice 3
Learning objectives
The module aims to finalise the individual master project with a written thesis and a design artefact(s).
The Thesis Theory/Practice lasts for three semesters and will reach its final form in the third semester. It includes a theoretical component (written thesis/thesis theory), a practical component (design artefact/thesis practice) and the presentation of both in an exhibition. The module in the third semester focuses on displaying the master project by finalising the written thesis and the design artefact and presenting both in the graduation exhibition.
Each student will be assigned a personal mentor for the thesis project who can be consulted for mentoring sessions throughout the semester (see also Thesis Mentoring). The mentors will guide the projects and students closely and will help the students to develop their individual projects further, and formulate research questions as well as suitable methodologies and approaches. Depending on the type of project, external mentors can be assigned to the individual projects.
See the 3rd semester schedule. Most meetings take place physically.
The assessment criteria are:
- frequent and punctual attendance (min. 80%), and active participation in the sessions,
- abstract and representative image,
- written thesis (50% of the grade),
- design artefact(s) including presentation and exhibition (50% of the grade).
The grading is A–F.