Service Design 2019
Over the course of a six-week module, students will develop a multi-touchpoint service concept for food shopping in the future.

30th of April – 7th of June 2019
Cooperation Partner
Interstore AG
01 Melanie Abbet, 02 Claudia Buck, 03 Duy Bui, 04 Randy Chen, 05 Jennifer Duarte, 06 Fiona Good, 07 Andrin Gorgi, 08 Edna Hirsbrunner, 09 Marcial Koch, 10 Lilian Lopez, 11 Stefan Lustenberger, 12 Ismael Moeri, 13 Colin Schmid, 14 Michelle Schmid, 15 Dominik Szakacs, 16 Janina Tanner, 17 Mara Weber, 18 Ju Yi
Team 1: Claudia Buck, Marcial Koch, Melanie Abbet, Lilian Lopez
Team 2: Colin Schmid, Edna Hirsbrunner, Randy Chen, Ismael Moeri
Team 3: Fiona Good, Janina Tanner, Duy Bui, Dominik Szakacs
Team 4: Andrin Gorgi, Ju Yi, Jennifer Duarte
Team 5: Mara Weber, Michelle Schmid, Stefan Lustenberger
- Tue 30th of April 2019: Project briefing
- Fri 10th of May 2019: Presentation of service ideation
- Fri 24th of May 2019: Prototype demo with representatives of collaboration partner
- Thu 6th of June 2019: Final presentation with representatives of the collaboration partner
- Fri 7th of June 2019: Deliverables on filer server
All dates / import as ical
Design Brief
Starting position
The retail sector is under pressure. Due to the ongoing trend towards online shopping, the role of conventional shops has changed fundamentally. The new possibilities are also changing the buying and consumption behavior of customers in the food sector. Food to go in takeaway shops is becoming more and more popular. Customers want it easy and convenient (at train stations, for example) or a special experience (for example, a food experience in a wholesaler).
What is the current purchasing and consumption behavior of 20-30 year olds in the food sector. How must purchasing and catering options be designed in the future over the entire experience journey?
With a focus on today's 20-30 year olds, in-depth questions arise:
- How do they consume (in groups, with friends, in the shared flat, with your family, alone)?
- When do they consume and what factors influence them?
In order to remain successful in the future, the food retailer must strongly orientate itself towards the needs of this target group:
- What is the ideal and future journey?
- When does this have to start? At the moment and when I'm hungry? In the morning, when I get up?
- When and how do I decide? When I am in the shop? Already earlier?
- What should the shop solve for me in the future? Do I want to eat there or even cook there?
- Am I still cooking, or does the supermarket cook for me? And when I cook - do I cook alone?
- Because I'm on the road all day anyway. How much am I really willing to spend on quality food and what does it contain?
The questions are to be directed to the future journey of today's millennials. Not only in Switzerland, but internationally.
As part of this module, students focus on the shopping and consumer behavior of 20-30 year olds in the food sector and develop future-oriented multi-touchpoint service concepts for the retail sector.
- Well-argued and high quality and visually processed analyses of shopping and consumption behavior in the food sector of 20-30 year olds
- Development of novel service concepts in the form of video scenarios for the presentation of Future Food Retails for the trade fair Euroshop 2020
- The short video scenarios and other useful presentations will be prepared for the Euroshop trade fair visitors in a "VR world"
The first week we are diving in different aspects of Service Exploration. We strive to deepen our understanding of the topic and identify core design challenges.
- Tue 30th of April 09.00 – 12.00: Kickoff Event
- Fri 03rd of May 10.00 – 12.00: Introduction of the Project and Collaboration Partner
- A systematic overview of research results (photos, videos)
- Service Experience Map
Based on the results of the service exploration we develop first service ideas and condense them to a compelling service concept.
- Tue 7th of May 09.00 – 09.30: Kickoff Week 2
- Tue 7th of May 13.00 – 17.00: Team Mentoring
- Wed 8th of May 13.00 – 17.00: Atelier Visit by Lecturer
- Fri 10th of May 13.00 – 17.00: Presentation of Service Ideation
Downloads & Links
Possible Deliverables
- Service Model: systematic visualization of your service flow with a (animated) model documented in form of a photo story or a short film
- Service Performance: enactment of aspects of your Service
- Business Modell Canvas
- Short Video
CW 20/21 – Service Prototyping
After two weeks of service analysis and service conception, we start the first implementation loop. The outcome will be prototypes visualizing aspects of our service and make them testable.
- Tue 14th of May 09.00 – 09.30: Kickoff Week 3
- Wed 15th of May 13.00 – 16.00: Atelier Visit by Lecturer
- Fri 17th 10.00 – 12.00: Team Mentoring
- Fri 17th 15.00 – 17.00: Team Mentoring
- Fri 24th 09.00 – 12.00: Prototype Demo with Representatives of Collaboration Partner
- Fri 24th 13.00 – 16.00: Team Mentoring
Downloads & Links

Aim of the prototyping phase is to specify the look & feel of aspects of our service - resulting in prototypes that don't just illustrate aspects of our service but enable to experience our service and make our ideas testable.
- Implementation of aspects of our service
- Presentation and demo of our prototypes – 30min per team (15min presentation plus 15min discussion)
CW 22 – Service Enactment
This phase is to test your previously developed service prototypes and use the gained insights to improve your service concept. This week should also be used to start with the production of your service video, as the following week is rather short.
- Tue 28th of May 09.00 – 09.30: Kickoff Week 5
- Wed 29th of May 13.00 – 16.00: Team Mentoring
Downloads & Links
Deliverables for Team Mentoring
- Results of user testing and implications to your service concept
- Plan of action - next steps to take
CW 23 – Service Communication
The final week is to prepare all deliverables and the final presentation.
- Tue 4th of June 09.00 – 09.30: Kickoff Week 6
- Wed 5th of June 09.00 – 12.00: Presentation dry run
- Thu 6th of June 09.00 – 12.00: Final presentation with representatives of the collaboration partner
- Thu 6th of June 13.00 –14.00: Debriefing
- Fri 7th of June, 17.00: upload of all deliverables on the filer server
Deliverables at Final Presentation
- Final Presentation (PDF & Keynote/PPT/etc)
- Service Video Animation (90 - 120 sec)
- Summarized service concept handout complemented with visual explanations as an approximate 2-5 page PDF document
Well-founded argumentation, Action Plan & Recommendations - Service Documentation
- Food consumption visualization (PDF)