Presentations should be placed on the server here (….) by time? and date?12:00 on the 9.06.2020.
In addition to the presentation, the jury has access to the projects overview on the exhibition website.
1 student: 15 minutes presentation (theory + practice) + 10 minutes discussion/feedback
2 students: 17,5 minutes presentation (theory + practice) + 12,5 minutes discussion/feedback (additional 5 min in total)
Zoom link:
9:20 Student 1
9:45 Student 2
10:10 Break
10:20 Student 3
10:45 Student 4
11:10 Break
11:20 Student 5
11:45 Student 6
12:10 Lunch Break
13:00 Student 7
13:00 Student 8
Student 9
09:00–09:25 Marcial Koch
09:25–09:50 Yi Ju Young
(10 min break)
10:00–10:25 Adrienn Bodor
10:25–10:55 Dominik Szakacs
(10 min break)
11:00–11:25 Fiona Good
11:25–11:50 Claudia Buck & Randy Chen
(60 min lunch break)
12:50–13:00 Check-in
13:00–13:30 Jennifer Duarte
13:30–13:50 Jérôme Krüsi
(10 min break)
14:00–14:25 Mélanie Abbet
14:25–14:50 Shaën Reinhart
(10 min break)
15:00–15:25 Andrin Gorgi & Stefan Lustenberger
17:00–19:30 Mentors and Jury discussion
Mentors and Jury discussion, 17:00–19:30