BA Diploma Final Presentation 2020

BA Diploma Final Presentation 2020


All participants in the meeting will be instructed to watch pre-recorded presentation videos on their own computer based on the schedule below, after which the question and answer round will take place. This format is to minimise the impact of connection issues.

In addition to the presentation, the jury will be given access to the project overviews on the exhibition website. Here the jury can see A. The project description B. The Video C. Project images and D. The thesis as pdf.   

Steps for students:

Pre-recorded presentations
Presentations are pre-recorded by the students. You can find further guidelines and advice for the presentation Presentation guidelines  .

Presentations should be placed on the server by 9:00 AM on the 09.06.2020. (fileredu.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/BDE_VIAD/01_ABGABEN/20_FS/Sem6_BA-Finals/9. Final Presentation)

Additional material: If there is material that would be of benefit to the jury, which is not already available on the exhibition website or in the presentation itself, you may include it in an appendix folder with the presentation above. Please clearly label the material and carefully consider its necessity.

Website check
The website is a central part of the mediation of your project. You will have the possibility to check your project page from Monday, 08.06.2020 12:00 until late. On Tuesday, we can make small adjustments before we send the links to all mentors and jury members.

General Guidelines

  • Use headphones, preferably a model with a built-in microphone

  • Mute your microphone if you are not talking

  • Turn off your video if you are not actively participating in the discussion

Connection Advice:

Poor internet connections may cause delays and difficulties, particularly during the question and answer session. To avoid this, please try to optimise your connection by:

  • Using the ethernet cable directly from your router.

  • If using wifi, try to position your computer as close to the router as possible.

  • If you know your connection is poor, consider working from a friends house for the day.

  • Close any applications that might consume bandwidth, such as cloud back up services etc.

Presentation Duration

  • 1 student: 15 minutes presentation (theory + practice) + 10 minutes discussion/feedback

  • 2 students: 17,5 minutes presentation (theory + practice) + 12,5 minutes discussion/feedback (additional 5 min in total)

Zoom link:

The Zoom registration link will be provided by email.

(Note: this zoom meeting requires registration). After providing your name and email address, you will be given a link in the browser to the meeting. The link will also be sent by email after registering.)

Presentation Files:

The videos are of presentations are available in the link below. For best performance, please download in advanced, and watch when indicated by the moderator.

Presentation files

Backup video links (password iad2020)


08:45–09:00 Check-in
09:00–09:25 Marcial Koch: website
09:25–09:50 Yi Ju Young: website
(10 min break)
10:00–10:25 Adrienn Bodor: website
10:25–10:50 Dominik Szakacs: website
(10 min break)
11:00–11:25 Fiona Good: website
11:25–11:55 Claudia Buck & Randy Chen: website

(55 min lunch break)

13:00–13:10 Check-in
13:10–13:35 Jennifer Duarte: website
13:35–13:50 Mélanie Abbet: website

(10 min break)
14:00–14:25 Shaën Reinhart: website
14:25–14:55 Andrin Gorgi & Stefan Lustenberger: website


17:00–19:30 Mentors and Jury discussion

Thesis Students feedback

Thursday, 11.06.2020, 10:00–12:00 (10 min/project)

8:30-10:00 Check-in (mentors only)

10:00–10:10 Jennifer

10:10–10:20 Marcial

10:20–10:30 Ju

10:30–10:40 Adrienn

10:40–10:50 Dominik

10:50–11:00 Fiona

Break 10’

11:10–11:20 Claudia & Randy

11:20–11:30 Mélanie

11:30–11:40 Shaën

11:40–11:50 Andrin & Stefan