Exhibition Milestones 2020
Exhibition Milestones 2020
Download information sheet (PDF)
Important dates and deadlines
All listed dates are mandatory for BA and MA students exhibiting in June 2020.
5 March 2020, 09:00–11:00
- «Informationsanlass» in big concert hall (Konzertsaal 7.K12)
Einführungsveranstaltung DDE
18 March 2020, 13:00–16:00
- Exhibition workshop (4.K13, Galerie 1)
25 March 2020, 17:00
- Send exhibition concept incl. requests and orders for exhibition locations, furniture, plinths, and iMacs/iPads to Martin Dušek (martin.dusek@zhdk.ch)
1 April 2020, 17:00
- Confirm requests and orders for exhibition locations, furniture, plinths, and iMacs/iPads via Mail to Martin Dušek (martin.dusek@zhdk.ch)
5 April 2020, 23:59
- Deadline «AVZ Geräte», order equipment like projectors, headphones, media players etc. (excl. iMacs/iPads) via online form (detailed information are given at «Informationsanlass»)
29 April 2020, 09:00–12:00
- Exhibition Layout review to all mentors and students by Martin Dusek (at the beginning of Progress session 3)
- Send address list for invitations «Business-Apéro» event on 11 June 2020, 18:00 @ Galerie 1 (4.K13) to Martin Dušek (martin.dusek@zhdk.ch)
(invitation to companies, industry contacts, offices, agencies and friends)
30 April 2020
- BA: Upload pictures and abstracts for diploma publication on server until 09:00
- MA: Send pictures and abstracts for diploma publication to your mentors and Martin Dušek (martin.dusek@zhdk.ch) until 09:00
8 May 2020
- BA: Upload updated pictures and abstracts for diploma publication on server until 16:00
- MA: Send pictures and abstracts for diploma publication to your mentors and Martin Dušek (martin.dusek@zhdk.ch) until 16:00
- Final approval by Jürgen Späth
18–20 May 2020 (exact dates and times tbd by Stephan Wespi)
- Sanding and painting of the exhibition elements, AUMO walls and plinths with 2nd and 4th semester BA and 1st year MA students
22 May 2020, 14:00
- Briefing BA- and MA-finals for buildup exhibition @ 4.K13, Galerie 1
25 May 2020
- Start buildup exhibition
2 June, 14:00–16:00
- Visit through the exhibition with mentors, rearrangement/changes possible
4 June 2020, 17:00–late
- Vernissage
- 17:00–18:00 Opening speech, Konzertsaal 3 (Prof. Dr. Thomas D. Meier)
- 18:00 Opening IAD exhibition with apéro
5 June 2020, 10:00–12:00
- Clear-out work space student atelier 4.K22 (only BA)
5–19 June 2020
- Exhibition, open daily from 12:00–20:00
Plan for exhibition shifts «Betreuung Ausstellung» will be sent separately by Martin Dusek
11 June 2020, 18:00–late
- «Business-Apéro», 18:00 @ Galerie 1 (4.K13); Karmen Franinović and Björn Franke welcome our guests, followed by a quick presentation round by students directly in the exhibition space (max. 5 min each) and snacks & drinks afterwards
- Sommerfest ZHdK
19 June 2020
- Diplomfeier (detailed information will follow)
20 June 2020
- Exhibition take-down
- Return the AV devices (@ ZHdK-Ausleihe 1.D26, 09:00–17:00)
22 June 2020
- Exhibition take-down
- Final clear-out work space student atelier 4.K22 (only BA).
- Return the AV devices (@ ZHdK-Ausleihe 1.D26, 09:00–16:00)
- Return iMacs/iPads (@ IAD office, 09:00–12:00) Important: bring to the office before 12:00!
, multiple selections available,