Child pages (Children Display) |
AVT = Andres Villa TorresMS = Milestone.
Woche 1 | Mo., 6.1. 4.K15 | Di. 7.1. 4.K15 | Mi 8.1. Atelier / 4.K15 | Do. 9.1. Atelier / 4.K15 | Fr. 10.1. Atelier & 4.K15 |
morning | 9:30 Introduction (MK / AVT) Warmup "Sonic charade" 11:00 Input: (MK) | independent work | 9:00 Presentation of Exercise 1: Evoking Emotion Through Sound in Film 2020 | 9:00 independent work
| 9:00 – 10:30 AVT Intro / Overview
12:00 – afternoon spit group to work on:
afternoon | 13:00 Pick up material at the Ausleihe | independent work | 13:00 Kickoff Exercise 2: Sonification 2020 | 13:30 – 15:30 Presentation in class (zoom)
(also have your blogs set up and the first post uploaded at this point) Mentoring | independent work |
Woche 2 | Mo. 13.1. 4.K15 | Di. 14.1. Atelier & 4.K15 | Mi. 15.1. Atelier & 4.K15 | Do. 16.1. Atelier & 4.K15 | Fr. 17.1. 4.K15 |
morning | independent work | Presentation in class (zoom)
Feedback in class | 09:00 – 11:00 Mentoring MK + AVT | 9:00 – 11:00 Mentoring MK + AVT AVT | 9:00 Final demonstration Presentation: concept and process 11:00 Course Feedback |
afternoon | 13:30 Mentorings with AVT: Setting realistic goals / Reality Check | independent work | independent work (start video documentation) | independent work |