Course Pages
Course Pages
Sonic Interaction Design HS 16/17
Sonic Interaction Design HS 17/18
- Links zu den Projektblogs 2017
- Projektbeschreibung und Abgabe HS 2017
- PushPullPowWow
- SID Kursmaterialien HS 2017
Sonic Interaction Design HS 18/19
- Links to Projectblogs 2018
- PushPullPowWow 2018
- SID Kursmaterialien HS 2018
- Project description and deliveries HS 2018
- Exercise 1: Evoking Emotion Through Sound in Film
- Exercise 2: Sonification
Sonic Interaction Design HS 19/20
- Links to Projectblogs 2019
- PushPullPowWow 2019
- Project description and deliveries HS 2019
- Exercise 1: Evoking Emotion Through Sound in Film 2019
- Exercise 2: Sonification 2019
- Intro to TX16 Sampler and Mapping Sound
- Intro to Sensor Stuff , Sound and Super Collider
Sonic Interaction Design HS 20/21
, multiple selections available,