Upload your text to your group folder on the server and give it a clear name(!):
Exercise 2
Work individually
- Read the excerpt from Perec’s „Träume von Räumen“
- Redo the exercise in a local environment of your choice
- Adapt his exercise to contemporary positions we heard of yesterday (of course it is not a text for men only who judge the beauty of women! And the notion of space has emerged)
- Follow the rough outline of the observations and add as many as needed
- Write a short text about your observations and add a personal sketch of the place, dynamics, routines, rhythms, etc..
- Think about which non-present factors structure and influence the space physically and in your mind (digital technologies?) and add it to your description
- Work it out in as much detail as you can!
Upload your text to your individual folder on the server and give it a clear name (!):