Vegetalize / Spatialize / Leveraging Points

Vegetalize / Spatialize / Leveraging Points

Exercise 1

„Vegetalize“ (or „Insectualize“ ;))

Work in groups outdoors.
- First read Natasha Myers’ text „A Kriya for Cultivating Your Inner Plant“ individually.

- One Person reads relevant part of text (page 2-4) to deepen into the imagination of being a tree
- The rest of the group listens in comfortable pose, closed eyes and open ears
- After the exercise switch roles and repeat (at least once!)
- Together, discuss and sketch a similar text for another organism around you (an insect?)

Upload your text to your group folder on the server and give it a clear name(!):





Exercise 2

Work individually

- Read the excerpt from Perec’s „Träume von Räumen“
- Redo the exercise in a local environment of your choice
- Adapt his exercise to contemporary positions we heard of yesterday (of course it is not a text for men only who judge the beauty of women! And the notion of space has emerged)
- Follow the rough outline of the observations and add as many as needed
- Write a short text about your observations and add a personal sketch of the place, dynamics, routines, rhythms, etc..
- Think about which non-present factors structure and influence the space physically and in your mind (digital technologies?) and add it to your description
- Work it out in as much detail as you can!

Upload your text to your individual folder on the server and give it a clear name (!):


for MA students only!: smb://fileredu.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/MDE/4_MDE_Abgaben/1. Semester/FS23/Studio2_Ecological_Interaction/Individual/exercises






Exercise 3
„Leverage Points“

- Work individually

- Read Donella Meadows’ text „Leverage Points - places to intervene in a system“.
Analyse the Stadionbrache.
- Look at it through Meadows’ way of looking at systems and determining intervention points.
- Try to find out, which inputs, outputs, flows, stocks, delays, feedback etc. exist.
Observe well with your eyes, your ears, your skin, your mind and put things into relation.
- Sketch it. (You can find an example of how such a sketch might look like in the „03 Leverage Points Examples.pdf“ that I sent you this morning)
- Integrate the dynamics of people and all other species that are around by maybe also integrating basic access to information, rules, intents, values, etc..

Upload your sketch (maybe also including some text) to your individual folder on the server:


for MA students only!: smb://fileredu.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/MDE/4_MDE_Abgaben/1. Semester/FS23/Studio2_Ecological_Interaction/Individual/exercises