Exercise 5 Space and Ecological Services
For a change, use laptops, smartphones and all other possible tools.
Work in groups of 3 students.
Don’t forget your favourite idea from the previous ideation exercise (Communication of river/lake ecologies with your ecologies in a jar that you had to invent according to different scales and different material/media)…
In Toni Areal, compose a list/sketch of all the parameters that regulate and influence an individual space or room.
what does life in a jar need?
what does life in a seminar room need?
Work out regulation loops, positive and negative feedback between the two
Which services (biological, cultural, individual, metabolic (breath, light, nutrients, etc)) can a space in Toni and an ecology in a jar provide for each other. Also play with the idea of scaling up the ecology in a jar. How big would it need to be to provide specific services?
Who profits from your scenario and how?
GO WILD! ….and have fun on the way….!