Over the course of a six week module, students will develop a multi-touchpoint service concept for an innovative service ecology targeting smart home solutions for the elderly. The deliverables include testable service concepts.
- Wed 2nd of May 2018: project briefing at Oysterlab
- Wed 16th of May 2018: presentation of service concept
- Thur 24th of May 2018: prototype demo with cooperation partner
- Thur 7th of June 2018: final presentation
- Fri 8th of June 2018: deliveries on filer server
Communication via Slack
- Wed 2nd of May: Kickoff Event at our cooperation partners office (Brandschenkestrasse 132, 8002 Zürich)
- Wed 2nd of May afternoon - Tuesday 8th of May: independent exploration
- Fri 4th of May: Team Mentoring (Room 4.D11)
13:00 - Team 1 | 13:45 - Team 2 | 14:45 - Team 3 | 15:30 - Team 4 - Wed 9th of May: Presentation of service Exploration (Room 5.D03)
9:00 - Team 4 | 9:20 - Team 3 | 10:00 - Team 2 | Team 1 - 10:20
- Wed 9th of May 13:00 - 17:00: Design Sprint with Oysterlab (Room 6.K04)
- Thur 10th - Tue 15th: independent development of service concept
- Wed 16th - Presentation of Service Ideation
9:00 - Team 1 | 9:20 - Team 2 | 9:40 - Team 3 | 10:00 – Team 4
After two weeks of service analysis and service conception, we start the first implementation loop. The outcome will be prototypes visualizing aspects of our service and make them testable.
- Wed 16 16th of May (Room 4.T06)
11:00 - 12:30 Kickoff prototyping phase
13:30 - 17:00 video workshop with Nicole Fölsterl - Thur 17th of May - Thur 24th of May: Independent development of a service prototype
- Fri 18th of May: Team Mentoring (Room 5.F07)
13:30 - Team 4 | 14:00 - Team 3 | 14:30 - Team 2 | 15:00 - Team 1 - Tue 22nd of May- 9:00 - 10:00: Kickoff Week 4 (Room 5.D01)
- Thur 24th of May, 13:30 - 17:00 Prototype Demo with representatives of the cooperation partner (Room: 5.T09)
13:30 - 13:45 - Introduction | 13:45 - Team 1 | 14:15 - Team 2 | 14:45 - Team 3 | 15:15 - Team 4
- Fri 25th of May, 9:00 - 10:00 Kickoff of Service Enactment (Room 5.T09)
- Fri 25th of May - Team Mentoring (Room 4.F03-1)
13:30 - Team 1 | 14:00 - Team 2 | 14:30 - Team 3 | 15:00 - Team 4
- Fri 1st of June - Team Mentoring (Room: 4.F03-1)
13:30 - Team 4 | 14:00 - Team 3 | 14:30 - Team 2 | 15:00 - Team 1 - Tue 5th of June, 9:00 - 10:00 Kickoff Week 6 (Room 4.T37)
- Thur 7th of June - Final Presentation (15min presentation plus 15min discussion per team) (Room 5.T09)
9:00 Introduction | 9:15 - Team 4 | 9:45 - Team 3 | break | 10:30 - Team 2 | 11:00 - Team 1
14:00 - 15:00: Debriefing - Fri 8th of June, 17:00 - upload of all deliverables on the filer server