Service Design 2018

Service Design 2018

Over the course of a six-week module, students will develop a multi-touchpoint service concept for an innovative service ecology targeting smart home solutions for the elderly. The deliverables include testable service concepts.


2nd of May – 8th of June 2018

Cooperation Partner

Oyster Lab



  • Team 1 (challenge 2 or 3) – Aurelian Ammon, Shaën Anouk Reinhart, Daria Babco, Manuel Leuthold
  • Team 2 (challenge 1) – Michael Schönenberger, Carlo Natter, Stephanie Dickerson, Alessa Gassmann
  • Team 3 (challenge 1) – Adrienn Bodor, Vinzenz Leutenegger, Jérôme Krüsi, Tingting Jiang, 
  • Team 4 (challenge 2) – Daniel Edoardo Holler, Tobias Dupuch, Katharina Durrer

Design challenges

  1. “Designing the experience of a communication service
    for millennial patchwork families
    in a world where personal goals and family responsibilities need to be juggled.

  2. “Improving the everyday living experience at home (health/convenience)
    for elderly (60+)
    in a world where people are getting older, living in isolation and costs of home care is increasing.

  3. “Designing a pet care experience
    for working or traveling animal lovers
    in a world where animals are treated like family members


  • Wed 2nd of May 2018: project briefing at Oysterlab
  • Wed 16th of May 2018: presentation of service concept
  • Thur 24th of May 2018: prototype demo with cooperation partner
  • Thur 7th of June 2018: final presentation
  • Fri 8th of June 2018: deliveries on filer server

All dates / import as ical

Communication via Slack

CW 18/19 – Service Exploration

The first week we are diving in different aspects of Service Exploration. We strive to deepen our understanding of the topic and identify core design challenges.


  • Wed 2nd of May: Kickoff Event at our cooperation partners office (Brandschenkestrasse 132, 8002 Zürich)
  • Wed 2nd of May afternoon - Tuesday 8th of May: independent exploration
  • Fri 4th of May: Team Mentoring (Room 4.D11)
    13:30 - Team 1 | 14:15 - Team 2 | 15:15 - Team 3 | 16:00 - Team 4
  • Wed 9th of May: Presentation of service Exploration (Room 5.D03)
    9:00 - Team 4 | 9:20 - Team 3 | 10:00 - Team 2 | Team 1 - 10:20




  • A systematic overview of research results (photos, videos)
  • Service Experience Map

CW 19/20 – Service Ideation

Based on the results of the service exploration we develop first service ideas and condense them to a compelling service concept.


  • Tue 8th of May 9:00 - 9:30: Kickoff Week 2
  • Wed 9th of May 13:00 - 17:00: Design Sprint with Oysterlab (Room 6.K04)
  • Thur 10th - Tue 15th: independent development of service concept
  • Wed 16th - Presentation of Service Ideation (Room 4.T06)
    9:00 - Team 1 | 9:20 - Team 2 | 9:40 - Team 3 | 10:00 – Team 4


Possible Deliverables

  • Service Model: systematic visualization of your service flow with a (animated) model documented in form of a photo story or a short film
  • Service Performance: enactment of aspects of your Service
  • Business Modell Canvas
  • Short Video

CW 20/21 – Service Prototyping

After two weeks of service analysis and service conception, we start the first implementation loop. The outcome will be prototypes visualizing aspects of our service and make them testable.


  • Wed 16th of May (Room 4.T06)
    11:00 - 12:30 Kickoff prototyping phase
    13:30 - 17:00 video workshop with Nicole Fölsterl
  • Thur 17th of May - Thur 24th of May: Independent development of a service prototype
  • Fri 18th of May: Team Mentoring (Room 5.F07)
    13:00 - Team 4 | 13:30 - Team 3 | 14:30 - Team 2 | 15:00 - Team 1
  • Tue 22nd of May- 9:00 - 10:00: Kickoff Week 4 (Room 5.D01)
  • Thur 24th of May, 13:30 - 17:00 Prototype Demo with representatives of the cooperation partner (Room:  5.T09)
    13:30 - 13:45 - Introduction | 13:45 - Team 1 | 14:15 - Team 2 | 14:45 - Team 3 | 15:15 - Team 4


Downloads & Links


Aim of the prototyping phase is to specify the look & feel of aspects of our service - resulting in prototypes that don't just illustrate aspects of our service but enable to experience our service and make our ideas testable.

  • Implementation of aspects of our service
  • Presentation and demo of our prototypes – 30min per team (15min presentation plus 15min discussion)

CW 21/22 – Service Enactment

This phase is to test your previously developed service prototypes and use the gained insights to improve your service concept. This week should also be used to start with the production of your service video, as the following week is rather short.


  • Fri 25th of May, 9:00 - 10:00 Kickoff of Service Enactment (Room 5.T09)
  • Fri 25th of May - Team Mentoring (Room 4.F03-1)
    13:30 - Team 1 | 14:00 - Team 2 | 15:00 - Team 3 | 15:30 - Team 4


Downloads & Links

Deliverables for Team Mentoring

  • Results of user testing and implications to your service concept
  • Plan of action - next steps to take

CW 21/23 – Service Communication

The final week is to prepare all deliverables and the final presentation.


  • Fri 1st of June - Team Mentoring (Room: 4.F03-1)
    9:00 - Team 4 | 9:40 - Team 3 | 10:30 - Team 2 | 11:10 - Team 1
  • Tue 5th of June, 9:00 - 10:00 Kickoff Week 6 (Room 4.T37)
  • Thur 7th of June - Final Presentation (15min presentation plus 15min discussion per team) (Room 5.T09)
    9:00 Introduction | 9:15 - Team 4 | 9:45 - Team 3 | break | 10:30 - Team 2 | 11:00 - Team 1
    14:00 - 15:00: Debriefing
  • Fri 8th of June, 17:00 - upload of all deliverables on the filer server

Downloads & Links

Deliverables at Final Presentation

  • Final Presentation (PDF & Keynote/PPT/etc)
  • Written service concept complemented with visual explanations as an approximate 5 page PDF document 
  • Service Video (90 - 180 sec)
  • UVP, testable prototype, business/pricing model, market positioning
  • Action Plan & Recommendations