20.11 - 23.11.2018 Reading Week
Choose 3 References from the Literature List Interaction Design Literature Interaction Design and please read them during the reading week.
Additionally: Design Theory Readings (we encourage to read during the whole theory seminar ;) ) :
Gaver, W., Dunne A, Pacenti E.: The Presence Project (RCA, Journal Interactions, Volume 6, Issue 1, Jan./Feb. 1999)
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Jarvis, N., Cameron, D., Boucher, A.: Attention To Detail: Annotations of a design process. pp. 11-20. (2012) [Article]
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Gaver, W.: Making spaces: How design workbooks work, Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (May 7-12, 2011)
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Eco, U., Farina, C., Farina, G., & Erspamer, F. (2015). NOTES. In How to Write a Thesis (pp. 225-230). MIT Press. Retrieved from
View file name UmbertoEco-HowtoWriteaThesis-TheMITPress2015 (1).pdf height 250
Koskinen, I., Zimmerman, J., Binder, T., Redström, J., & Wensveen, S. (2011). Design research through practice: From lab, field, and showroom. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
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Koskinen, I., Zimmerman, J., Binder, T., Redstrom, J., & Wensveen, S. (2011). Design Research through Practice: From the Lab, Field, and Showroom. Boston: Morgan Kaufmann.
Session 11 – 03.12.2018 – Workshop IIII- ... to transformation (Verena Ziegler)
Workshop I-IIII Group-Presentations of various approaches in the class
Jonas, W., Zerwas, S., von Anshelm, K., (2015) Transformation Design - Perspectives on a New Design Attitude, Birkhäuser, 978-3-0356-0636-2 November 2015.
1. Introduce you project
● What is your project?
● What question/problem/issue/ does it address?
● What are the aims of the project?
● Why is this project important / relevant/useful? (rationale)
● For whom is this project important / relevant/ useful? (rationale)
2. Literature review
● What are the critical issues/ contexts pertinent to your project?
● Identify key texts/ examples/arguments to support your project and research approach
● What other research has been done in the area?
3. Methodology
● Discuss why you are taking this approach
● Describe the various stages of your project (step by step) and then the associated research processes– this can be a diagram or table – to give an overview of the research design for this project
● Discuss the different methods being used and why you are using them
● Identify any issues/ difficulties that may effect the project and strategies to address them
● Identify what you hope to achieve through each stage of the project
4. Conclusion
● What you hope to achieve through this work?
● What will the final outcome and forms of this project?
● How will the research be presented?
Example of essay writing see:
Aurélie Mossé: “Energy-harvesting & Self-Actuated Textiles for the home: Designing with New Materials & Technologies”.
Possible Assignment III
For your field of interest:
Related Work map - where do you position yourself?