Literature Interaction Design
Literature Interaction Design
Essential References
The IAD team made a selection of essential literature (see table below with each teacher's recommendations).
Students from the class 2016 have also started a list on Google Docs, that is constantly updated with "new references in our lessons or in conversations, recommendations, etc".
Recommendation made by | Author | Title | Publisher | Year |
Florian Wille | Marc Stickdorn; Jakob Schneider; Kate Andrews | This is service design thinking : basics - tools - cases | Amsterdam : BIS Publishers | 2013 |
Jake Knapp; with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz | Sprint : how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days | London, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland : Bantam Press | 2016 | |
Dark Horse Innovation; Authors: Diemut Bartl [and many more] | Digital innovation playbook | Hamburg : Murmann Publishers GmbH | 2016 | |
Nicole Foelsterl | Wendy Gunn, Ton Otto, Rachel Charlotte Smith | Design Anthropology: Theory and Practice | Bloomsbury Academic | 2013 |
Jacob Buur; Salu Pekka Ylirisk | Designing with Video: Focusing the user-centred design process | Springer Publishing Company | 2007 | |
Rebecca Morganti-Pf. | Josef und Shizuko Müller-Brockmann | Die Geschichte des Plakats | Phaidon Verlag GmbH | 2004 |
Friedrich Fossmann & Ralf de Jong | Detailtypografie | Hermann Schmidt Mainz | 2004 | |
Josef Müller-Brockmann | Grid systems | Niggli | 2010 | |
Björn Franke | Victor Papanek | Design for the Real World | Thames & Hudson Ltd | 1985 |
John Thakara | In The Bubble | MIT Press | 2006 | |
Anthony Dunne | Hertzian Tales | MIT Press | 2008 | |
Joëlle Bitton | Marc Bloch | The Historian's Craft (In French: Apologie pour l'histoire) | Knopf | 1953 |
Roland Barthes | Mythologies | Farrar, Straus and Giroux | 1972 | |
Carolyn Marvin | When Old Technologies Were New | Oxford University Press | 1988 | |
Sherry Turkle | Evocative Objects: Things We Think With | MIT Press | 2007 | |
Clemens Winkler | Pedro Gadanho | Eco-Visionaries | Hatje Cantz | 2018 |
James Bridle | Dark Age | Verso | 2018 | |
Jenny Lee | Material Alchemy | BIS Publishers | 2014 | |
Jane Bennett | Vibrant Matter | Duke University Press | 2010 | |
Karl Popper | Objective Knowledge | Oxford Press | 1972 | |
Martin Dusek | Marco Spies | Branded Interactions: Creating the Digital Experience | Thames & Hudson Ltd | 2015 |
Fiona Raby, Anthony Dunne | Speculative Everything | MIT Press | 2013 | |
Emil Ruder | Typographie | Niggli | 1996 | |
Joël Gähwiler | Nicolas Carr | The Big Switch | W. W. Norton Company | 2013 |
Paul Dourish, Genevieve Bell | Divining a Digital Future | MIT Press | 2011 | |
Carlo Ratti, Matthew Claudel | The City of Tomorrow | Yale University Press | 2016 | |
Mona Neubauer | Bruce Hanington, Bella Martin | Universal Methods of Desgin | Rockport Publishers | 2012 |
Claudius Lazzeroni und Hartmut Bohnacker | Generative Gestaltung: Entwerfen. Programmieren. Visualisieren. | Verlag Hermann Schmidt | 2009 | |
Sofia Borges und Sven Ehmann | Liquid Spaces | Gestalten | 2015 | |
Rebecca Roke | Mobitecture: Architecture on the Move | Phaidon | 2017 | |
Verena Ziegler | Stefana Parascho, Jan Knippers, Moritz Dörstelmann, Marshall Prado, and Achim Menges | Modular Fibrous Morphologies: Computational Design, Simulation and Fabrication of Differentiated Fibre Composite Building Components | ResearchGate | 2014 |
M. Schwartz-Clauss | Living in Motion: Design and Architecture for Flexible Dwelling | Vitra Design Museum | 2012 | |
Karen Barad | Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter | Journal of Women in Culture and Society 2003, vol. 28, no. 3 | 2003 | |
Tim Ingold | Bringing Things to Life: Creative Entanglements in a World of Materials | University of Aberdeen | 2010 | |
Lambros Malafouris | How Things Shape the Mind: A Theory of Material Engagement | MIT Press | 2013 | |
Susanne Küchler | The prototype in 20th-century art | SAGE Publications, University College London, UK | 2010 | |
Lambros Malafouris | At the Potter’s Wheel: An Argument for Material Agency | Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC | 2008 | |
Jacques Ranciere | The Emancipated Spectator | Verso | 2009 | |
Jürgen Späth | Peter Erni, Martin Huwiler, Christophe Marchand | transfer: erkennen und bewirken | Lars Müller Publishers | 1999 |
John Maeda | Maeda @ Media | Bangert Verlag | 2000 | |
Marcial Koch | Carl Sagan | Cosmos | Random House | 1980 |
Donald Norman | The Design of Everyday Things | Basic Books | 1988 | |
Luigi Serafini | Codex Seraphinianus | Franco Maria Ricci | 1981 | |
Juhani Pallasmaa | The Eye of the Skin | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 1996 |
, multiple selections available,
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