Expenses & Reimbursement

Expenses & Reimbursement

Agreed expenses for project materials can be refunded in full or in part, in consultation with the lecturers and based on the project budget.

In general, the students have to pay for small expenses themselves. This includes glue, office products, paints, sprays, etc.. However, extensive laser usage, external expenses and workshop material expenses are reimbursed.

All expenses are collected using the IAD Reimbursement Sheet and signed by the course tutor for validation. Then the reimbursement can be requested by sending the signed reimbursement sheet along with all receipts to Karin Luginbühl, karin.luginbuehl@zhdk.ch.

Please be aware that your expenses can only be refunded if you submit the complete documents no later than 4 weeks after the end of the module.

Compensation for students' work at the ZHdK

Reimbursement Process


Construction materials can be purchased in the workshops. This is done via the Webapp MoniToni. The material prices are visible directly in MoniToni and detailed in each workshop as well. In the basket, you can select whether the payment is made via your private account or via the course budget (if applicable).

The following chart visualizes the reimbursement process:

Diploma Exhibition

Every 6th semester student has a budget for the diploma exhibition:

  • CHF 500.00 per person
  • Groups: also CHF 500.00 per person (CHF 1000 per group)

The iMac renting fee is in any case CHF 220.00 (plus CHF 100 deposit, which you will get back). An iMac order thus reduces the total amount, leaving each student with only CHF 280. The iPad renting fee is CHF 150.00.
The remaining equipment borrowed from the Leihs is free of charge.
Only by handing in a compilation of all the original receipts. Please hand in the collected receipts directly to Karin Lüginbühl (karin.luginbuehl@zhdk.ch) after the exhibition.

Other Expenses

Conference and Festival Support

We encourage students to present their work in local and international conferences and festivals. Each student can apply for a support to attend such event for up to 100 CHF per year to spend either for travel, lodging, entry fees or materials.