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The official study guidelines of the BA in Design at ZHdK provides broad lines for the diploma evaluation (see § 15).

The BA thesis counts for 22 ECTS points and is graded between letters A-F.

The criteria for the final grade are :

  • Project (50%)
    Generosity: How the research was conducted with ambition, commitment and responsibilty.
    Relevance: Relevance of the topic for the design community, society, design discourse.
    Execution: How diligently, creatively, precisely the outcome is showcased.
    Academic Position: Evaluating the maturity of the position within the research discourse. 
    Transversality: Considering the different fields in which the project can have an impact. 

  • Documentation and reflection (25%)
    Quality of the process and research
    Experimentations conducted
    Adequate design tools / Adequate evaluation 
    Plausibility of the result in regard to the initially formulated research question
  • Final presentation (15%)
    Ability for Synthesis 
    Range of Overview given
    Addressing questions asked

  • Mediation via exhibition (10%)

The grade is decided after each mentoring team provides their assessment (the student mentors provide a consultory assessment) and a discussion leads to a consensus.
The two external guests provide their assessment for the project itself and for the mediation via exhibition.

Additional criteria: 
Depending on the angle undertaken for the project, some aspects will be particularly relevant: ie. interface design for apps and platforms, methodology for field studies, evaluation for education services, etc..

Grading details:

A hervorragend (6) = ausgezeichnete, hervorragende Leistung 
B sehr gut (5-6) = deutlich überdurchschnittliche Leistung 
C gut (5) = insgesamt gute und solide Arbeit 
D befriedigend (4-5) = mittelmäßige Arbeit 
E ausreichend (4) = Leistungen entsprechen den Mindestanforderungen 
FX nicht bestanden (3,5) = es sind Nachbesserungen erforderlich 
F klar nicht bestanden (<3,5) 
Abstufungen: 3 = ungenügend, 2 = schwach, 1 = sehr schwach bzw. keine Arbeit geleistet – die Arbeit ist zu wiederholen, in der Regel keine Nachbesserung möglich.