In this example, 2D images (bitmap) are displayed and arrays are used. Here we use a 1. Dimensional array. To access an element of this array, we use these '[index]' brackets.
Code Block |
PImage[] imageList = null; // create an empty array void setup() { size(600800,600800); // def. window size imageList = new PImage[3]; imageList[0] = loadImage("./images/1.jpg"); imageList[1] = loadImage("./images/2.jpg"); imageList[2] = loadImage("./images/3.jpg"); } void draw() { background(255); pushMatrix(); translate(10,100); for(int i=0;i < imageList.length; i++) { image(imageList[i],0,0,140,140imageList[i].width/2,imageList[i].height/2); translate(150,0); } popMatrix(); } |
Exercise 9
Draw a 4th planet spaceship (4.jpg) and let this planet follow the mouse. Make the planets orbit around the a sung in the middle of the screen. Change the program (and the image file) so that the planet is shown without the white black box surrounding it. What file types are best suited for this?