When exporting SVGs from illustrator, the following settings should produce working results. This does however depend on your version of illustrator.
Code Block |
PShape elShapelogo; PShape warningShapeNASA; float rotAngle = 0.0; void setup() { size(600, 600); // def. window size // Loadload theSVG svg filefiles elShape logo = loadShape("High_voltage_warningiadlogo.svg"); warningShapeNASA = loadShape("Achtungnasalogo.svg"); shapeMode(CENTER); // set the zeroimages pointto ofbe thedrawn SVGfrom objectthe is in the middlecenter point smooth(); } void draw() { background(255); pushMatrix(); translate(width *.5, height *.5); rotate(rotAngle); shape(elShapelogo, 0, 0,200,200 logo.width, logo.height); popMatrix(); rotAngle+=.01; pushMatrix(); float scaleFactor =dist(mouseX, mouseY, width/2, height/2); scaleFactor = shape(warningShape,mouseX,mouseY,100,100map(scaleFactor, 0, width, 1, 4); translate(mouseX, mouseY); scale(scaleFactor); shape(NASA, 0, 0, NASA.width, NASA.height); popMatrix(); } |
In this example, 2D images (bitmap) are displayed and arrays are used. Here we use a 1. Dimensional array. To access an element of this array, we use these '[index]' brackets.