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[ Sonic Interaction Design | Projektbeschreibung und Abgabe 2016 | Themenbereiche | Untersuchungswerkzeuge | Prototyping Methods | MuLab | SensorTag | SID Kursmaterialien 2016 ]

Using MuLab

MuLab is a lightweight, crossplatform, modular music production environment. It offers a free version with some limitations.


(for introduction to MIDI go here.)

  • Make sure MIDI interface is activated (in menu “edit” -> midi setup) and running (check using midi monitor in menu MuLab > Help)
  • Make sure the Midi Keyboard is set to the LOWEST OCTAVElowest octave using the "transposition" function/buttons. This makes sure that your Note-Trigger events start with the lowest MIDI Number (= 0). Usually, the Note “0” corresponds to the Note “C-2” (sometimes “C-1”).
  • In case your midi keyboard/controller offers “presets”, make sure you NEVER change the MIDI keyboard/controller preset, once selected, as this may change the controller assignements!
  • Note, if you need to use output & input simultaneously, or if you want to use Bluetoot Bluetooth audio devices: On OSX you may have to create an “aggregate device” combining Input / Output (builtin) or to enable the use of Bluetooth Audio devices (which show up as two separate devices in the Audio-midi Setup).


(also Read the information in the MuLab Doc)

  1. Load MultiSampla by clicking on an empty slot in the rack
    • NOTENote on signal flow: the racks get MIDI data from top, and then this is transferred into audio by the multisampler)
    • Deleting instances in Rack -> Right-click on instance,   DON’t don’t use delete / backspace directly on the rack (deletes whole rack!)
  2. Create Sample Zone by drag & drop a soundfile (wav / aiff) or by doubleclicking the area under the keyboard and dragging the mouse
      • Samples should always be uncompressed WAV or AIFF (performance/latency)! If a sample can’t be loaded, change format to aiff / wav and samplerate / bitrate to project rate
      Start mapping
      • Make sure your samples have simple systematic names, to simplify coding later.
    • Assigning your sounds starting with the lowest midi note value: C-2, / decimal value “0”. This makes it easier to build a functional prototype.
      • When you use a synth it may be necessary to transpose the synth so that sounds are audible. Transposition is achieved with XPOS
    • Make sure the velocity sensitivity (VS) is set to zero (VS knob in multisampler AMP section) -> ensures that the sound is played at equal volume no matter how strong you press the key (simulates a simple trigger)
    • Save Multisampla presets ("save ASas" icon in Multisampla, navigate to desired location). 
    • Rename the multisample  -> IMPORTANT FOR IDENTIFICATION.  Also, existing stored Multisampla presets and multisamples can be reused)set (sample-to-note assignements) using the cogwheel icon to be able to identify samplesets. 
    • Configure Loop (Loopmodes): Start of playback, start of loop and end of loop. Usually “alternating” is the best mode
      • Add Loop point for three-step loops . (Start / loop start-point / loop end-point) by double-clicking the timeline.

Important to understand: A multisampla instrument for us is an independently controlled sound generator unit. All sounds in it are affected by the effects and keyboard mappings in this rack. If we want to control another simultaneous sound by another effect (or have it NOT affected by a certain effect) we need to create another multisampla instrument instance on a second rack. This is described below.

MIDI Mapping for Realtime Control


of Sampla and Plugin Effects

  1. Create a Midi Mapped Controller (e.g. transpose -> XPOS): Right-click on interface (knob, slider) and select “map controller“, then move the desired control (know, slider) on the Keyboard
  2. there are also LFO and envelope generators in MultiSampla, e.g. for ADSR curves for the amp (e.g. to create a smooth fadeout at the end of a loop)
    • NOTE: if using the filter in the Multisampla, make sure “key tracking” (knob “KT”) is set to zero in the submenu of the filter (otherwise, the filter cutoff changes based on the note pressed)
  3. Plug effects directly into the Multisampla instance. There are four slots available.
    • Map controllers again with right-click on the control interface
    • You can also plug effects in the rack, after a sound generatorsgenerator, and map controllers in the same fashion as for multisamplaMultisampla
  4. Use mapping overview for each rack (right click on rack -> edit MIDI controller map) for overview and editing controller mappings

Working with Multiple MultiSampla Instances: Managing MIDI Focus

As mentioned, we need to use several racks to enable independent controls / different version of same sample, etc. For this purpose:

  1. insert “send” Drag the Multisampla down one slot and insert a “send to the next rack BEFORE desire rack". (Send needs to be inserted before sound generating instance in rack (this sends in order to send MIDI events, otherwise it would send audio)
  2. Add a new, independent Multisampla instance in the rack receiving the send data.
  3. If you need futher instances, repeat 1 & 2
  4. You can chain put multiple Racks and Multisamplas in this fashion
  5. select the first rack in the row, then deactivate "Automatic Midi Focus" in Menu "Project"
    • Alternative/advanced possibilities: edit "Focus midi map" in menu “Project” to force MIDI input to the desired channel/rack


  • Add your working folder to the favorites: In a save / folder browsing dialog, click on the smiley-folder and choose “add as favorite folder”
  • Be careful: the undo function is not always available! Save often.if using the filter in the Multisampla, make sure “key tracking” (knob “KT”) is set to zero in the submenu of the filter (otherwise, the filter cutoff changes based on the note pressed)
  • You can limit parameter ranges for midi mapped controllers in the “Map controller” dialog (right-click on the desired parameter controller)!
  • Keep a list of your trigger and control change mappings! You can open an inventory of the mappings in MuLab by right-clicking a rack and chosing “Edit Midi Controller Map
