Over the course of a six-week module, students will develop a multi-touchpoint service concept for shopping in the future.
01 Melanie Abbet, 02 Claudia Buck, 03 Duy Bui, 04 Randy Chen, 05 Jennifer Duarte, 06 Fiona Good, 07 Andrin Gorgi, 08 Edna Hirsbrunner, 09 Marcial Koch, 10 Lilian Lopez, 11 Stefan Lustenberger, 12 Ismael Moeri, 13 Colin Schmid, 14 Michelle Schmid, 15 Dominik Szakacs, 16 Janina Tanner, 17 Mara Weber, 18 Ju Yi
Team 1: Claudia Buck, Marcial Koch, Melanie Abbet, Lilian Lopez
Team 2: Colin Schmid, Edna Hirsbrunner, Ismael Moeri, Randy Chen
Team 3: Fiona Good, Janina Tanner, Jennifer Duarte, Dominik Szakacs
Team 4: Andrin Gorgi, Duy Bui, Ju Yi
Team 5: Mara Weber, Michelle Schmid, Stefan Lustenberger
- Tue 30th of April 2019: Project briefing
- Fri 10th of May 2019: Presentation of service ideation
- Fri 24th of May 2019: Prototype demo with representatives of collaboration partner
- Thu 6th of June 2019: Final presentation with representatives of the collaboration partner
- Fri 7th of June 2019: Deliverables on filer server
CW 18 – Service Exploration
- Tue 30th of April 09.00 – 12.00: Kickoff Event
- Fri 03rd of May 0910.00 – 12.00: Atelier Visit by Lecturer Introduction of the Project and Collaboration Partner
- Under Service Exploration, you'll find methods for the first project phase
- Under Service Ideation, you'll find methods for the first project phase
Downloads & Links
- The Teamcanvas
- The Value Proposition Canvas
- Then Characteristics of Great Value Proposition (Checklist)
The final week is to prepare all deliverables and the final presentation.
- Tue 4th of June 09.00 – 09.30: Kickoff Week 6
- Wed 5th of June 09.00 – 12.00: Presentation dry run
- Thu 6th of June 09.00 – 12.00: Final presentation with representatives of the collaboration partner
- Thu 6th of June 13.00 –14.00: Debriefing
- Fri 7th of June, 17.00: upload of all deliverables on the filer server